Also... not everyone has the question mark button showing - or at least there was a problem with it not showing up a few hours ago - but you can still poke the gap where it should be and find your way back.
Cousin Injj was a genius to do this. I mean, if you like the new look, that's great. I know that there are several people who love it. I'm just not one of them.
Also... not everyone has the question mark button showing - or at least there was a problem with it not showing up a few hours ago - but you can still poke the gap where it should be and find your way back.
Thank you, thank you for reminding me of this!
I was one of the poor blighters whose button was invisible - an hour of wailing it took me to find it!
Thanks for posting such clear instructions too - it might just stop people hurling themselves off high places!
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