In 2009 in Britain, a four-year-old boy tried to give a week-old Cocker Spaniel puppy a bath... in the toilet. He flushed the puppy down as his mother came running in and told her what he'd done. The mom, assuming the poor thing was dead, ran out to the manhole in the street. Now this is where what, in all likelihood, would have ended an extremely sad and disturbing tale instead became a pretty amazing rescue. She heard the puppy crying, still alive, deep in the drain.
They called a drainage company, informed neighbors not to flush their toilets and performed a harrowing four hour rescue that resulted in a very dirty, but mercifully unharmed little dog. Despite having turned into an extremely expensive operation, the drainage company did not charge the family for the rescue. Video and pictures are at the source: Aside from that: my grandmother broke her hip, but has been recovering for the past few months- or so we thought. Yesterday she got the bad news from the doctor's office that the bone was not healing properly and they'll probably have to perform a hip replacement. In our family, we are praying for her body to make a recovery so that she'll be able to walk again. She'll be coming to MN this summer, and I'm trying to find healthy recipes that we can use to help her bone heal. I found this recipe for an aloe, berry, and coconut water smoothie:
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I'm going to try to be as supportive as possible in her process, so if anyone has any great ideas for healing foods and recipes that I can make for her, I'd love suggestions.