American Idol Update

Mar 16, 2004 21:52

Well after 2 hours of watching the most addictive show on television this is what I have come up with ~ the comments of the contestents are in alphabetical order.. just so you know, my beliefs are somewhat harsh/bias, but deep down inside you know you feel the same way ;);

1- Amy Adams: She has a charm about her that I love. Her voice is not what carries her but nevertheless it makes her all the more likeable? She is sincere, and her voice is gorgeous.. all around one of my favorites ~ i'll admit it's hard to have just one!!!

2- Camile Velasco: Again she has a charm but in a different way than Amy. She has less cheerfulness but it's obvious she is enjoying something even if I don't know what it is. She makes me want to be in on her secret ~ and with the voice she has she will go far. Not to mention she is a beauty which will no doubt help her. But I believe it is her unspoken charisma, and above average voice that will get her far.. if nothing else she is eye candy :P.

3- Diana DeGarmo: She doesn't strike me as an American Idol.. first of all, she has everything ~ she has the charm, the girly looks (maybe cause she's 16 :P) and some star presence but it all seems too soon for her. She looks as if she wouldn't know what to do if she did become the next American Idol. She's not mature enough for it. And her image shows that.. the way she seems too perfect ~ it's too much for me ~ again.. that's me :P. Nice voice but may not go too far, it all depends on how young the voting crowd is :P.

4- Fantasia Barrino: What can I say.. I LOVE this girl ~ presence and such confidence.. she is a star ~ win or lose ~ she will become something special. Don't forget the name! She has a powerful voice which I love, and she is so appreciative of everyone that supports her. She has everything she needs to become something great, and it's a only a matter of time before she wins this thing.

5- George Huff: George has the ability everytime I see him perform to make me smile. Just because he seems to have such a good time making people happy. Nothing special in the looks department, which I think will eventually hurt him, but he is still someone who has lots of talent, and unfortunately he will not be a person that goes beyond the top 7.. just because of his presence not being quite professional enough. A good talent but not exactly what America wants.

6- Jasmine Trias: I didn't think she had what it took to go really anywhere in this competition until tonight. This is not the type of competion in which you can fly under the radar and expect to win :P, but after an amazing performance tonight ~ she has what it takes to go far. And as shallow as it seems ~ it matters.. she has what it takes in the looks department to be something.. I just don't think she is QUITE outspoken enough to go far.. poor thing because this is a singing competion and not about personality ~ but if you want the votes you need to be the "total package" and I don't think she has it all..

7- Jennifer Hudson: This is where my personal bias that comes out :P. I LOVE THIS GIRL!!! She is absolutely beautiful to me.. and I think that she is because she is proud of herself. She doesn't come off with a cockiness about her, she comes off as sincere and a true talent. She always comes out looking absolutely STUNNING.. and she shakes her shit. I think her honesty in her performance is beautiful, she is a star, she just needs to prove to America her true passion for singing.. and once/if they see it ~ she is the next American Idol :D

8- John Stevens: WOW.. what can I say besides I need a cup of coffee before and after his performance.. one to stay awake and one so that I can feel as excited as I felt before I started watching his performance :P. I don't know how he made the top 12 ~ there must be more over 99 year old viewers than I expected.. I mean he is just plain BORING!!! If this competion is about what it is supposed to be about.. he should not go far at all. Since the majority of the people who purchase the cd's from past winners are TEENAGERS ~ this guy has no chance.. he is not exciting at all.. he puts me to sleep and that's not why i'm watching this show ~ PLEASE GET RID OF HIM!!! He can sing.. just not what the target age group is looking for.

9- Jon Peter Lewis: Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.. something is awfully SHADY about this boy. He has no dancing talent so he needs to stop shaking his ass on stage.. but his voice is good! He just comes off as a smart~ass and he could totally ruin this shows reputation among the public. He doesn't seem to be taking it too seriously.. so I don't think he would be too upset if he was kicked off :P. Smart ass, cocky ~ NOT confident and just all around dick. Not someone who I enjoy personally ~ and as if it didn't show ;). He could ruin the shows competative image and for that reason alone.. he needs to go.

10- LaToya London: Another beautiful talent that doesn't need this show.. it's a great platform though. Has a much more mature look which may hurt her in the end in this show.. but honestly it doesn't matter for her. She is a star ~ and if America can look beyond the looks, she has a great chance of winning. Confident, B~E~A~U~tiful, the best voice on the show.. she's an all around StAr. Now it's time to see how everyone else feels.

11- Leah LaBelle: I really don't like this girl.. Her voice is nothing special, her looks are average, her stage presence is sub~par.. she is just blah. And she comes off as an absolute fucking SNOOD (I don't know what that means :P)!!! She has her moments as coming off as having a heart and being sincere.. but again those are moments ~ and I don't need to see anything fake from an American Idol.. there are too many people who would TRUELY appreciate being the next American Idol.. and those are the people who truely deserve to win.

12- Matthew Rogers: Again.. America ~ WHAT WERE YOU THINKING SENDING THIS MAN THROUGH!?! He has next to NO talent!!! PLEASE GET RID OF HIM.. he is making a mockery of this show. He is not impressive at all ~ not in looks ~ charm ~ you name it ~ he's missing it! If it was my choice.. he is the 1rst to go :P. That's the truth.. sorry man ~ you just don't fit the mold.. and that's a bad thing here :P

AND SO IF IT WERE UP TO ME.. this is the order in which these contestents would be voted out.. #12 being the first voted out.. #11 the second.. and so on and so on;

12- Matthew Rogers
11- Jon Peter Lewis ~ Because your an ASSHOLE!
10- Leah LaBelle
9- John Stevens
8- Camile Velasco
7- LaToya London ~ This is hard.. only because she doesn't fit the image
6- Diana DeGarmo
5- George Huff ~ AHHH!! The last guy! :P ~ And the show will survive =D
4- Jasmine Trias
3- Amy Adams
2- Jennifer Hudson ~ :((((((((((((((((((((((((
1- Fantasia Barrino ~ She deserves it though. A true talent! =D

I guess that's all for tonight O:)
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