I want pretty babies!

Aug 15, 2009 01:35

Fandom been stagnant. Girls are nowhere in the scene. Okay, except for Uee cause she is practically EVERYWHERE. Boys keeping low. Not to mention that AAT3 is out and i am avoiding the caps like a plague. Yeah. Life is boring. Been drowning myself in unnecessary facts, equations and unbalanced accounts for the past week just to ensure that i atleast will can acheive a passing overall for my prelims. Pfft. My eyes now look like pandas thanks to the countless hours of sleep which i've lost due to last minute mugging. But yeah. 3 more days of exams to go and than ITS OVERRRRRR!! Well... not technically since O's are just round the corner. But fuck it. The moment AAT3 reach my doorsteps, i'm gonna dump any real life shit happening and will just glue my ass on the sofa watching 9 hours of dongbang. No life much? Well, that's life for me :)

As usual. I'm bloody broke. TT.TT . Been spending like shit on impulse. I need money like NOW!! There are so many pretty babies out there that I want to buy!!!! But but but... WO MEIYOU $$$$!!! well. i think i'm just gonna sleep now and just gonna think of some money-making ways tomorrow. For now... Bye bye pretty babies :(

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