May 01, 2004 10:57
Can I just sum up last night with one word: FUBAR. Technically, that is summing it up in an acronym, but... you get the idea. I was sooo, sooo drunk last night. Don't get me wrong, another banner night was had at Bucknell, but damn was I drunk. The evening started out well, with a new pair of shoes (yeah $5!) and top (yeah $3) and a few too many games of Tiger Woods' Golf and Beruit. Then, it was off to the bars for unnecessary drinking. The crowd was much lighter last night, but a good time just the same. Today it is back home to celebrate Sarah's big birthday bash. Hopefully after a car ride back and an afternoon of recovery time, I will be able to rally for some drinking or whatever she has in mind. That still seems unclear, but I am sure fun no matter what we do. I am up entirely too early since she called at 9:30 a.m., so when I pass out at midnight, at least I can blame it on her. :) Kidding, but I am exhausted. Falling asleep in my own bed would be clutch tonight, though if we drink, I doubt that will happen. Then Sunday: def. a recovery day. God bless these four-day weekends when I actually have time to have fun, travel, see friends and still get a day in of sleep! Anyhow, it is off to Philly for me, since if I don't stop typing while Marcia is hung over she may kill me! :)