After many twist of turns and questions, I got an e-mail from the dean of the graduate school yesterday confirming that I should have been a level two last year, that she believes it is reasonable for me to ask for back pay, and that she would be willing to talk to my department for me. The only bad thing is that if they turned me down, I might not be able to file a grievance because there is a 30-day time limit from the day that I realized something was wrong.
To try to explain this concisely, I wanted to talk to the secretary, but she is gone for several days. I ended up talking to the Big Boss Lady. I explained that I was misclassified because the forms the school has been sending out to the department are inaccurate and are now going to be changed. I told her I had asked the union about the discrepancy between the contract and the form, they had asked the dean, and she had agreed that my assignment last year was wrong, it's reasonable to ask for back pay, that she is willing to communicate with the department, etc.
I had thought the case was pretty cut and dried, but it turns out the Boss Lady actually called the dean, and they were going around and around for some time. I got an e-mail from the dean saying they were talking to my "unit" and they were making "some progress." I'm sort of on tenterhooks now, wondering what will happen, and wondering how I will take it if I don't get the pay.
The sort of wrinkle/ambiguous thing is that since I only ever received a contract on paper in early July and noticed the discrepancy on the 14th, I am still, HOPEFULLY, within the 30 days. I notified the department on the 15th, and asked them about the problem, and they told me I was definitely not entitled to be a level two. So, if I was told something inaccurate, would that make the 30 day limit this Saturday?
They COULD argue that I had the URL of my contract since I was originally appointed so I should have noticed the problem sooner, but on the other hand, the department has had access to the URL since the contract was ratified, before I even came to MSU. So, they have both had a longer chance than I to read and interpret it, and I would argue since they are an employment unit, the onus is on them, not me, to interpret it correctly. (I hope! I hope!)
(For more background on all this crap, see my regular blog: lastly, for a little bit more background, I talked to the union, who talked to the dean, and it turns out the whole "relevant degree" thing on the university form should not be there. As a prior MA I should have been a level two all along, with makes a big difference in pay.)