Aug 03, 2005 23:26
There are so many random things spinning around in my head right now... I'm gonna try and get them all down, so here goes...
My internship is over in a week. When it first started, I wasn't sure I could make it through an entire two months at a nursing home. I didn't think I'd ever be comfortable with the residents, wasn't sure I'd ever be able to teach the kids everything they needed to know to work in a place like Cedar Village. Mostly, I was afraid that I'd never connect with the people there, that I wouldn't be able to touch their lives or do anything special for them. Now, almost eight weeks later, I'm not sure how I'm going to feel when I don't get up in the morning and go there, when I don't get to see the smiles on their faces when I sing a song or push their wheelchairs or hold their hands. As amazingly challenging and hard as it's been, I'm so sad to see it end.
This weekend is Cleveland/Windsor. This weekend is Eli, Big Sean, Katie!!!!!!!! I've seen Eli a little bit this summer, not nearly enough. I haven't seen Big Sean since our Friday night dinner a few days after school was over. I haven't seen Katie since the day I left. It's been almost TWO MONTHS since I've seen Katie and Sean... I can't believe I've even made it this long without them! Yeah, I'm really excited to go up to Windsor and play and such, but like I was telling Katie tonight, I'm really just excited to lay around with them, in my pajamas, talking about random nothingness and having it all make sense. I miss them all so much. Hopefully I'll get to see Swimmer and Babos and Matt and Keith while I'm there... that would be great! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!
By the way... does anyone remember the Topsy-tail?? I just saw mine under the sink!!! Tell me that's not awesome!!
Yours till the banana splits, and then some!
***EDIT: speaking of the devil, happy birthday chasie!!! :)