I think its time...

Feb 22, 2007 22:38

...for a SQUEEEEEE!!! Oh man! Its just so excellent! Grey's Anatomy was just...excellent. I was kind of skeptic at first. I mean, for a lot of shows...it can't pull of the whole 'beyond the grave' thing. But I should have known, if anyone could do it, Shonda could. I'm really glad they chose to go for a more comical approach rather then super serious afterlife drama. I didn't realize that I missed Denny so much. And it might not even be Denny, as much as Jefferey. It would have been kind of fun to see where Izzy and Denny ended up, but I think in the long run he definently would have just held her story-line back. Speaking of Izzy...she is way to blunt for her own good. I mean, I don't know...I haven't decided how I feel about the whole Callie/George thing - I don't mind them but at the same time, it doesn't seem right. It seems forced. And while I think its definently in Izzy' reign as best friend to say those things to George, that was the TOTALLY wrong time and she definently could have used a bit of tact. Yadida?

Christina and Burke were bomb and usual. Ms. Sandra Oh is my hero as usual. Just amazing acting...her scenes were beautiful. Especially the scene at Joe's and my personal favorite, the holding of Meredith's feet and telling them to try again. Oh, glory. Derek was my love. He's always been my love. What an amazing, amazing man. Denny was definently right about that.

All in all...I am addicted. And I was bawling for the entire episode. But there were some parts that pissed me off. Just little things...like stopping my crying. They would go to commercials at the most inconvienent times. Ridiculous. All of the scenes with Mer involved tears and I especially lost it with Christina and then with the Izzy/Denny stuff.

TWO WEEKS until the next episode. I'm so tempted to get on Spoiler Fix and look up the future episodes. I know I'll just kick myself if I do, but I really want to know where they're going to take the show from here. I really hope they explore this whole super dark and twisty side of Meredith. I mean, I hope she's over it, but I definently hope there is some kind of resolution other then Mer being like 'I think its okay'. Yeah, no that's no enough for me!!! I also would really like to see Meredith talking to Christina and Izzy about her whole afterlife experience. Or at least Izzy..some kind of recognition. I think it would give Izzy some kind of closure and we could move on. Well...it would either give her closure or make her eat like, 5 tubs of butter. One of the two.

I have nothing more to say other then...wow. I am in love. So much. This love...its right up there with Angel and Buffy. I mean, not on the same level...but definently right up there. I just love this feeling. I am so pumped for March 8th.

Oh, and also...Addison spin-off/leaving the show? That's...well expected and unfortunate. I'm ACTUALLY starting to enjoy her. Quite a bit, actually. And I absolutely LOVE Kate Walsh. I hope if they decide to do a spin off, it will be good. Cause bad spin-off's...well, they're really bad. I have faith though
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