First things first...
slashfest!! Claims are open until the 10th and there are some damn good prompts there (if I do say so, myself). Something for everyone on my flist from X-Files to Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis, good xovers, but if you want Supernatural, you might want to hurry and catch one while there still is one!
Yay for claims!! Now onto the review. Good season, again. Not as good as S3, but damn good.
My first and main complaint is still...WTF is up with the opening credits? I hate it. It's dull and boring and I don't understand why they changed it. *sighs*
Small Victories:
I really like the replicators and them taking over the submarine was fun to see. Sam being carted off all the way to the Asgard's cool! And I love that they named their giant ship The O'Neill. Seriously, Jack's the Grand Master of the universe or something.
The Other Side:
This was a fascinating ep into Jack and Daniel's friendship. I like seeing that not everything's roses and that their two attitudes clash from time to time. And of course, we had the matrix pods. Which made me laugh. And what a social statement. I really enjoy the eps where we see a definite culture clash (that's not based on religion because that happens in every ep of this show) and how humans deal with it. What I like to analyze is that each situation is most often something that clearly all of us would object to. The writer's morals show themselves often because most of us would agree killing off everyone who isn't perfect is wrong (and rightly so). But just like SG1 always thinks themselves superior, I think its a slight representation of how the creators feel--especially when we rarely (or at least not yet) see SG1 in the wrong when it comes to these moral dilemmas.
Ok, first off, I didn't trust Ms High Priestess. Well, ok, we could. But she irritated me. And um, isn't Teal'c married? I realize that he hasn't seen his wife and yes, she was remarried, but didn't we solve that in the ep Ryack was brainwashed? That they still had feelings for one another? And now this lady walks into the picture. :-P
But Tanneth--yay!!
Divide and Conquer:
Ok, Anise irritates me to no end but...this ep still managed to both make me squeal like the fangirl I am, laugh, and want to cry.
The whole reason why they appeared to be Zatars? Because Sam and Jack didn't want to reveal that he didn't leave because Jack likes her "more than he should"?
Awww!!! I love these two. Seriously. They're the new, or rather, later Mulder and Scully.
Then we have this convo with Jack and Daniel:
She made a pass at me.
Anise, Freya, one of 'em.
The host half.
Uh…that's odd.
You're telling me. Odd timing too, don't ya think?
Apparently, the snake likes you.
[O'Neill is playing with his yo-yo.]
Really? [giant pause] You know, I think these are the Jack O'Neill moments I'll probably miss the most.
Bahahahahahha!!! They're so deliciously awkward. I love it.
And then the ending. What an awful way to end Martouf. Not cool, guys, not cool.
Window of Opportunity:
First off, I love the days that repeat, like Monday from X-Files. But this one was even better because it wasn't always the exact same thing. While the ending of it being his wife as the whole cause was predictable, the rest of the ep just cracked me up. Jack and Teal'c
golfing through the Stargate. Jack
making mustard and ketchup faces. Juggling. Jack learning Latin.
And Jack kissing Sam. OMG!!!
Point of No Return:
Ok, first off the guest star is one of many XF actors, and he always plays the nerdy role. Too funny. And this ep was very XFish again, alien conspiracies, supposed abductions...
Teal'c on the coin operated bed (the same room that Bad Blood was filmed in). At one point, had I been Sam or Daniel, I would have yelled at the people holding me hostage..."Uh, we are the Secret Government! Don't even try." LOL!
The Light:
Quite possibly the lamest ep this entire show. Opium den for Goa'uld? O___o. But it did have a few nice Jack and Daniel moments.
Uhh, did anyone notice Carter blows up a solar system via supernova and no one yells at her because it took out Apophis' fleet? I mean, McKay accidentally took out a solar system trying to work a weapon to kill the Wraith. Yes, yes, the eps about ego, but come on. Doesn't seem fair Carter gets off scott-free.
General Thoughts:
Hate the opening credits. Have I mentioned that yet?
However, I LOVED Sam's hair at the beginning of the season. Short, but not choppy. And then she went and chopped it all off. Egad!
Again, I did like the eps that looked at morales (less religion-based eps this season!) like The Other Side, Scorched Earth, Beneath the Surface. Always fascinating.
Again, I felt like Daniel was often pushed to the background, but when he was prevalent, he shone. There were a few good Daniel and Jack eps which really brought their relationship into focus, creating that nice contrast. And then Absolute Power. Evil!Daniel was brilliant. Not a lot different from his zealous self--perfect transition from one to the other and easy to believe. And good for the casting people who choose that little boy to play Shifu. I mean, it's the son of Sha're and Apophis. The blue-eyed, white child from Maternal Instinct just did not work. The Curse was also a nice look at Daniel and while the ending was incredibly predictable, it's nice to know there's another god-named Goa'uld (Osiris) out there. I was getting bored with the names like "Tanneth" (even if I like him).
I was very confused when I started watching 2010. The I realized this was because later there is an ep involving the same plot line and that was an ep I'd actually seen on TV. LOL
We also saw the Russians for the first time!!
I keep having to wonder why in the world Sam goes and gets a different boyfriend in later season! Because, Jack admits he like her. And she does, if not in words. Combine that with Point of View from last season, and the KISS in Window of Opportunity...and I realize regulations and all. And of course, there has to be angst to any relationship. And yes, Mulder had Fowley during his and Scully's seven years to romance. But come on!! You two are clearly meant for each other!! *flails at teh cuteness* I mean, when they had no memory of their real selves in Beneath the Surface, they gravitated towards each other still. That was a bittersweet ep because at the end, of course they have their titles and rank in the way again.
And again, I shall just state for the record my love for the NID eps (Chain Reaction O'Neill to Maybourne: Oh, I see you're on that beer and mustard diet. How's that working for ya?) and Major Davis. That man is just too cute and did you see his
expression right before Jack and Teal'c are saved and then once they made it safely onto the ship in Tangent? He doesn't even spend every day together like the team does and yet he was clearly very happy. He's just...ah!! ♥
Update on favorite eps:
1st Season
Children of the Gods
There But For The Grace of God
Within The Serpent's Grasp
2nd Season
The Serpent's Lair
Thor's Chariot
The Fifth Race
3rd Season
Learning Curve
Point of View
Shades of Grey
4th Season
Window of Opportunity
Beneath the Surface