Bits of things (and more Christmas uploads)

Nov 30, 2006 15:24

2 degrees in Minneapolis. Why does MN get the hard-hitting FREEZING temperatures and totally bypasses the pretty snow? *pouts*

My SPN flist was at viewing 440 entries back. I am even shitting you. Damn. I'm now at like 220.

Who is this Iowa governor guy? Well, obviously, he's the governor of Iowa. But I very up on politics and I've never heard of the guy except maybe once in passing and it wasn't his name, it was 'the governor of Iowa'. And the guy's announcing his candidacy for President? Good luck, pal...

Also, thank God something is being done about churches and politics from the pulpit. I hate it when my church goes off. And not just because I don't tend to agree--that's not always the case. Instead, it's not their job. I go for God and church, not for the news and sermons about abortion. It's incredibly sad though that's it takes the IRS to bring it about. LOL

Also, what is up with my flist being contrary to each other? Like everyones making comments about certain peoples thoughts. When I first started out none of the objections/insults against people were those on my flist. To quote Abby from last week's NCIS...The kids don't like it when mommy and daddy fight.

So I emailed my teachers today to let them know I wouldn't be in class (and this is shocking, I usually just skip--but then its never cause I'm sick), and this teacher that is typically a big jerk actually wrote me a little email back about hoping I feel better. Weird. And nice.

OMG!!! I just saw the first 24 commercial. HOLY TOLEDO BATMAN!!!

The best RPS crackfic EVER. Not even kidding you. I was dying laughing as I read it. Seriously. A little part of my died. I think maybe some cells in my baby toe nail. Jared/Jensen So Help Me God

And one more upload. Sorry, I tried for more, but my computer hates me. Anyone know what menus and such to get to the defrag function on a HP XP? I can't find it--it's been over a year since I did that last.

Clay Aiken: Merry Christmas With Love

topic: politics, zips

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