1. Any of you mixers know how to make each song show up as having the cover art you created? What I mean is, when I put a song from a mix (itunes format) onto my Blackberry, when it plays, it's accompanied by the cover art. It will also show up when I view the mp3 as picture icons on my computer. Anyone know what I'm talking about? :P
2. Anyone watching Suits? If you're not...WHY NOT?!!? I didn't want to like it, wasn't even interested because it seemed like a White COllar knock-off but about lawyers instead of g-man/con-man, but I caved and now I'm LOVING it. It is sort of a White Collar knock-off...but awesome in it's own right. I like the spring-autumn nature of the (b)romance, the banter is great, and the women are fantastic. I like Mike Ross' background and Harvey is a smug bastard who is soft at the core, but still the ultimate shark. Seriously, check out
Good Boy for all the best picture and gif footage of Harvey and Mike and then just try not to watch the show.lol
3. Related: if anyone else is squeeing over Suits, do you have any recs? I've read a few AMAZING ones, but I prefer to have a few other recs under my belt before I start wading through the comms.
4. Captain America and Marvel fans, anyone? I'd love some recs for Steve/Tony, too, if anyone knows some.