TV Finales

May 31, 2011 16:20

What. The. Fuck. So, I thought (based on "spoilers" I heard) that Peter would have to chose between the two Olivias. But in the end, he doesn't even find out about his kid and now he's gone? Because he served his purpose? Peter was the reason the worlds starting having issues. If he never was, then that would never have happened. So instead, what - the two need to come together? Merge into one or something? While the future scenes were cool, as a whole I'm just confused. They tried to make it big (ala Epitaph of Dollhouse) and just kind of failed.

Well, it wasn't some grand finale, no one died, I already knew JJ was coming back (though I still don't understand plot-wise AND I think CBS just fucked around for no effing reason considering she and Prentiss are both coming back and the new girl is leaving), and we haven't figured out what the deal with Hotch and their boss is yet (though I suspect they're leaving that open since Thomas isn't signed on again yet). But, I enjoyed the case and ultimately, I liked that it wasn't some dramatic cliffhanger. I mean, we've had enough of those for one season.

By far the best finale of all my shows (hell, better than White Collar, if simply because I don't like the characterization at the end of WC). While the inside man was obvious within the first 30 seconds (because why would Grace's bf suddenly show up when he hasn't been seen in the past few eps? Plus, the writers love Grace/Rigsby.), the ending was AWESOME. Because the talk-off between Jane and fucking bradley Whitford? EPICNESS. I've heard things that indicate that might not have been Red John. I certainly hope that is NOT the case because Bradley was the PERFECT choice. Creepy, understated, cocky...seriously. And Jane using a GUN and shooting him in cold blood? WOWOWOWOWOW. I almost expected the revenge to be slow torture somehow. But this, especially him using a gun, was stunning. Cold, brutal, and painful - both to watch and for Jane. I have no idea how he's going to get out of this. What Lisbon will say (ok, that I can imagine), and how Jane will handle it all. Some days, this show gets a tad predictable and route. That finale, though, that's exactly why I love it.

I HATE that this show has been canceled. Sure, it was a little cheesy and a little unrealistic, but it had good actors, interesting plot lines, and was very well executed. Plus, I loved having a musical number on my TV every week that wasn't Glee. The finale itself was awesome and while it didn't tie up all loose ends, at least it didn't leave huge ones hanging (one can imagine where the arc with Marty, her sister and the reveal that her dad was alive and trying to talk to her sister was going. Predictable, but still good! I can't believe CW canceled this one (and Life Unexpected!) and keeps One Tree Hill going. BAH.

I was a little disappointed. I mean, Beckett won't die and I'd already guessed someone they knew had to be involved somehow. That being said, I enjoyed the emotional connection between Castle and Beckett and the humor as usual. Since those are the reasons I watch, I guess I can't complain. I was merely underwhelmed.

I loved that the super bad guy was played by Kerr Smith (which we found out pre-finale). I still don't like that other team, especially not the chick. I find it interesting that Ziva has issues with her bf not telling her he was assigned to the P2P killer...considering ALL the things she's lied about (umm, Rivken, anyone?). I don't like the way characterization is going. I don't understand the feud between Gibbs and the Director (also, why can't Gibbs just ever get along with a Director?), I don't like where this mole business is headed because they set it up to be someone on the team, plus, they already did the mole schtick. Blech. It's sad when even NCIS is upsetting me.

Also, no worries (or worry, perhaps), I will get around to a Supernatural review/commentary. I just haven't been able to bring myself to rewatch it yet (both because I've been super busy and emotional reasons).

reviews: criminal minds, reviews: ncis, reviews: misc

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