Supernatural Fic Recs

Sep 08, 2010 19:46

if we never meet again by blaskjar (gen)

This is a lovely 5x22 fic that has a quiet sadness to it, but ends with hope. Castiel's appearance and thoughts are particularly poignant.

Tokipokey? by mikes_grrl (Dean/Cas)

This is a quirky Dean/Cas college!AU fic that's hilarious and fun. The author combines a real world version of Castiel's oddness with his archaic lines on the show.

The Space Between by zanzekiel (Dean/Cas)

This is just a beautiful, quiet piece. Nothing much happens, but the characterization and the conversation are lovely. And there's a truly stunning depiction of angel's love for one another.

Praise the Lord (And Pass the Ammunition) by nekomitsu with art by aesc (Dean/Cas)

This is a hilarious romcom fic in which Dean becomes the angel of "unfortunate people with rashes in embarrassing spots and of sorry hosts of lice" (it's like crack, but so much better!) and he and Castiel take a long UST journey to figuring out they love each other. I found it absolutely adorable and the chorus of angels including Zachariah, Michael and Raphael cracked me up. Plus Chuck's purple prose is rather priceless.

In the House of Flesh by gabby_silang (Claire!Castiel/Dean, underage)

This is gorgeous and tragic. It's an unusual take on Castiel as well, as seen in the first few sentences, but I find it fascinating and very much indicative of how a fully angelic version of Castiel would think. I love seeing Castiel's analysis of his vessels and how Dean fights what he feels. A lovely Lolita feel.

How the Mighty Have Fallen by valiant (Castiel/Jo)

Sexy, sexy kissing. Nothing much more, but man, is it good. I enjoy Castiel's voice in this and Bobby's appearance.

Every Word A Piece of My Heart by smilla840 (Dean/Castiel, Dean/Jimmy)

I love the uniqueness of this fic, the way Castiel can't be around but still is, the new way Jimmy and Castiel share Jimmy's body, and the love that shines through for all three of them. Plus, the sex is incredibly hot.

Lead Me Astray by shanaqui (Castiel/Anna)

If all Castiel/Anna fic was written like this, I might have a new OTP. Stunning.

The Roles Destiny Has Chosen by nutkin (Claire Novak/Ben Winchester)

Ok, I'm very partial to this because it was my prompt, but WOW, did the (still anonymous) author blow my mind. It's everything I wanted and more. Claire and Ben both become hunters and Ben is the closest she'll ever get to Dean. Sexy and heart-breaking. I can't praise this fic enough.

These final two recs require membership in the blindfold_spn community, but they are WELL worth it. No need to post or anything, just join and poof! you can read these awesome fics.

Taken by emerald_embers (Dean/Cas)

This short little fit just hit all my kinks. I LOVE smoking!Castiel and the author captures the sexiness of the interactions very well.

And you shake and you bleed while I sing my song by anonymous (Dean/War)

A unique pairing and the author makes it smokingly hot.

recs: supernatural

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