Looking for Good Omens Recs and Ramblings About SGA

Aug 17, 2010 22:46

Hello flisties!

So, as I mentioned, I'm feeling a bit of ennui regarding Supernatural right now. However, thanks to crack_van, I've discovered Good Omens as a fandom. I've been reading some great fanfics, but I'd love more. Crowley and Aziraphael hit all my buttons. Good and "evil," boy!sex, ambigous, powerful creatures, plus...ngl, the curtain!fic is absolutely doing it for me. I LOVE my angst and more so than anything else, I love apocalyptic, tragic DOOM fics. But it's nice to get to read something light-hearted and fun. Are any of you in Good Omens fandom? What are the good LJ comms? Rec me some fics, if you wouldn't mind!

Also, I'm rewatching all of SGA. And I kind of forgot a) how much I love McKay and Sheppard, and b) that I have a thing for half-humans, apparently. Why do I like inter-species sex? I don't understand. But, I do. Wings, angels, and bug!Sheppard. UNF, bug!Shep is so hot. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd love some recs about Sheppard as in Conversion. I'm sure I've read most of them, but it's been forever, and I've got a hankering for some blue-skinned, yellow-eyed, uber powerful Sheppard and McKay sex. (I'm always slightly amused because that was the first SGA ep I watched - before even knowing what the show was - and my initial reaction was WTF is this? and since getting into the show, it's always been one of my favorite episodes.)

Here's another little tidbit I picked up. I've never been a Sheppard/Ronon slasher, but rewatching these first few season 2 eps where Ronon reacts to Sheppard's military command and emphasizes the order parts? I'm totally seeing Sheppard as Ronon's dom. Like when he says to Ronon, "I couldn't order so much as a pizza right now, but if you need it to be an order, fine. That's an order." and then Ronon does whatever he was just bitching about a moment before. I realize this is military and not sexual but, my slash goggles are firmly in place, tyvm.

topic: slash, topic: good omens, tv: sga

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