SPN Comic Con Stuff

Jul 25, 2010 22:57

I really need to stop reading/obtaining spoilers because frankly, they're making me like season 6 less and less.

Lisa was the closest thing he had to a normal life? HOW?!!? He had a fucking one-night stand! And then sees her again 8 years later. What the fucking fuck. Fine, fine, I'm ok with Dean trying to live a normal life (sorta) and obviously I have to accept that it's Lisa and I do like her better than Cassie but...I wish they would stop trying to justify bad script writing. You guys could not pull off Lisa convincingly, but keep telling yourselves you did. Whatever.

- Ben Edlund confirmed that there will be a one year time jump.

I am ok with the time jump. It makes sense, even though it breaks my heart. (How much time has passed in Heaven, you think?)

- There will be a deep role reversal between the brothers. Dean is carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders with his family, while a disenfranchised Sam comes back and is all business about hunting. Sam will be pretty unsettled.

I'm sorry. Dean carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders is new?

- Eric Kripke revealed that they will be bringing back all sorts of monster, including a Djinn and Vampires. Something has happened to cause these monsters to act strangely and abnormally. They aren’t following their usual patterns.

Hmm. Ok, I admit, they intrigued me with that one.

- Jensen is really excited that the reset button has been set on the show

*coughs* Retcon.

- There is a montage in the first ep of Dean in his normal life, going to bed with Lisa, driving the truck to the construction job, etc.

@emmaloggins: Misha Collins favorite scene? "Ass-butt really resonated with me

Not gonna lie, I wish he'd stop saying that. That assbutt line was awful and I hate that scene. So poorly written.

- Castiel's first ep back will either be 3 or 5/6 depending on ep switch- edlund couldn't decide

This upsets me greatly. Not until episode 6? Why even bother calling him a regular. FFS.

- Castiel's mission this season might run counter to the winchesters

And again, this line REALLY makes me angry. I can't understand why Dean can't just have a friend, why Castiel can't still be an ally. Why must they rehash it all again? I feel like this is going to be Heroes and Nathan Petrelli all over again where he makes this great character arc in first season and he grows and he saves NYC and then season 2 kept up the brother relationship and Nathan was on that same path...and then comes season 3 and suddenly he's spouting off about God, following his father's crazy plans, and wanting to destroy cities and people with powers again. ARGH. Seriously, this particular "spoiler" makes me VERY unhappy.

@LauinLA Crowley only has to make best efforts to give back Bobby's soul - he'd like to but he can't

This intrigues me. I like Crowley and I really do hope they keep him the sarcastic, unusual demon, rather than making him Ruby 2.0 (or 3.0, whatever). DNW Crowley as the Big Bad.

@popculturediva Misha: one of the major limitations of Supernatural is that there’s not enough tentacles.

As I wrote in the original post...Misha, your fanfic reading is showing.

@moryan Kripke will never say if Prophet Chuck, open to interpretation. Saying Chuck's God would be an "M Night-level douche" move, Kripke says.

I like that Sera confirms this, and EVERYONE KNOWS and yet now Kripke is trying to pass it off. Whatever.

@LauinLA If Chuck IS god, then this god is BANGING WHORES, Kripke points out

See icon.

@cadlymack Jensen likes Hollywood Babylon, Yellow Fever, and Changing Channels best. Also Monster Movie.

Aka, Jensen likes the funny eps. Why are you always in dramas then, Jensen?

@LauinLA Kripke was so proud of the finale, until he went online ... people were like WHAT A PIECE OF SHIT, SCREW KRIPKE

@cadlymack Kripke read your finale reviews. "They're like 'I'm wiping my ass with that episode right now!' I was like 'I'm so misunderstood!'

Oh, GTFO. You wouldn't have written in the crap about fans always bitching and endings being hard if you weren't already expecting it and simply wanking for the sake of wanking.

All the talk about resetting and "getting back to basics" just really annoys me. Basically, no ones liked the show since season 1, apparently.

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Ok, so I absolutely DNW reset!Castiel. How many times must Cas relearn his lesson? Again, I compare Castiel to Nathan Petrelli. WTF is with the GD writers fucking up my favorite characters?! KJ EKJBEKJ EH khBHJDBKH *keyboard smash* I'm going to have to watch The X-Files so I can comfort myself with Fox Mulder. *pouts*

However, I do like that the monsters are tied in with Heaven and Hell and thus, Castiel will actually have a role in that. (It will probably be Heaven created/helped to create the monsters and Cas, now being an unemotional douchebag will probably support this until DEAN shoves him against an alley wall and pounds it into his thick skull that humans are not up for Heaven or Hell's pleasure.) And I love that Castiel is basically taking over Michael's role. I think it'd be 20x better if he retained his humanity, but apparently, that's not good enough for the SPN writers.

How often will we see him? Apparently, not a lot. I swear to God, if he's only in 5 minutes of 5 episodes, Show and I are through. I can't help it and I'm being a total Cas!girl, but COME ON. Why are they wasting such an asset? Misha needs his own show so that I can stop bitching about his lack of screen time.

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Ok, this amuses me. Seriously, if I could just listen to Misha and ignore everyone else...Castiel=Yeltsin. GQMF comparison FTW. (Also, Russian accent. UNF UNF.)

ETA: This in from E!.

"Dean is a family man," Ben Edlund said. "He has a life and a marriage that he's going to try to protect."

MARRIED!?!?!?!?!?!?!? K;EGTK;BGTK;


misha collins is my lord and master, tv: supernatural, interviews, tv: actors

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