More Stonhenge Apocalypse Rambling

Jun 13, 2010 17:03

What I truly can't decide is whether I want to read the Jacob and Mulder as BFFs fic first, the Jacob/Castiel/some mixture of the characters SPN fic first, or the Jacob and Rodney McKay as frenemies-who-were-both-geniuses-and-Rodney's-still-a-little-miffed-Jacob-got-that-honor-first and somehow, years later, Jacob also ends up in Atlantis and Jacob and Sheppard have beautiful hair!babies fic first.


  • Did everyone else notice the close ups of Misha's face? Particularly his mouth? It was like, an homage to Misha's gorgeous lips. Especially that opening shot, focusing on his chin and scruff and LIPS. Hummna hummna! And then that scene with him and Joseph? The crazy close up on Joseph's face and Misha's neck and mouth again? Geez, it was pornographic!!
  • The lines and the clothes, all a weird conglomerate of Dean ("I'd rather have this old stinky world" whatever that line was) and Castiel.
  • Oh, Vancouver casting. Oh, Vancouver landscape. Also, that museum in New York? I'm pretty sure that building was used in Stargate SG1's "2010".
  • "Top of the morning!" BRB LOLING FOREVER.
  • Jacob was a prophet...kind of. HEH.
  • Joseph, crazy cult leader to Jacob: "Join us, see it from the beginning, be safe inside our temple" Jacob: "You want me to live with you and a bunch of lunatics in a pyramid?"  What Jacob followed that up with in my head: Will there be women there? If there's women there, I'm in! (Seriously, I felt like future!Cas would like that cult.)
  • What is up with that man's cargo shorts? Why are the stone gargoyles still attached to the pyramid when it's bursting out of the ground? Why is the US military in charge of an operation in Britain? Who decided a golden film reel found in the back of MGM's studio would be a good prop for a mystical ancient key? Why does a primary school have metal gates that lock? Why is there a primary school only 2 miles away from an ancient monument? Why did that guy's teeny gun never run out of bullets?
  • The military cop's "HOLY CRAP!" Yeah, cause that's what I'm going to say when I see a pyramid rising out of the ground in MAINE. Yuuuup...
  • Misha can ride on the window ledge of my car annny day. Wait, stop! Go back 20 feet! Now to the left! To the right! Take it back now ya'll...
  • Misha can also run and unbuckle his pants around me any day.  MISHA TAKING OFF HIS BELT; I NEARLY DIED.
  • Also, what was with the acid wash jeans?  The 70's called, Jacob; they want their pants back.
  • "Relax, it's not a proposal or anything...but you validated my work. You may have validated my life." AWWWWW. (Also, I feel like Daniel should have told this to Jack and Sam at some point in SG1...)
  • I love that he has an award. And that he considers himself blessed to be called crazy/crackpot. And that he heroically dies. After being shot. It's sweet and sad. Aw. Little Jacob; far better at suicide missions than John Sheppard ever was.
  • "It was a robot head!!" Famous last words, indeed.
  • The picture of him in the newspaper. RIDICULOUSLY CUTE.
Although, one downer. What happened to the Misha who could act? Anybody else feel like Jacob was just some part Castiel, some part future!Cas, and some part Misha? What happened to the man who did Karla whom I truly *believed* was a creepy serial killer/rapist? (I know, it's a crappy-ass Syfy movie and nobody was convincing. Terrible script!) I feel bad saying it, but come on. It was not his best acting.


misha collins is my lord and master, topic: misha collins, tv: misc, tv: actors, reviews: movies

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