There's a very common photo of McKay and Sheppard where McKay is looking at what I think is a lifesigns detector and John is peering over his shoulder. BUT I SUDDENLY CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE. I thought I had it in my save photos, but I don't for some insane reason. And I can't remember the episode for the life of me.
I am convinced that someone should write the fic where McKay is body-swapped into some character of Misha's. Maybe Jacob (Stonehenge Apocalypse), maybe Castiel, but COME ON. I am nearly positive their expressions and even the hand position are nearly identical.
ETA: Ahah! Thanks to
annundriel for the cap! It's not the episode still I was thinking of, but it is a cap from the scene. Look at the furrowed brows, the hands!! Jacob and McKay are scientist twins separated at birth. *nods* (And somehow, he's also related to Daniel Jackson because come on. Fringe radio talk show host/scientist who believes Stonehenge has something to do with aliens? They stole that script right from Stargate!)
(Also, I'm loving Torri's hair long and straight. It makes her look younger!)