More Lost Stuff

May 25, 2010 16:52

For anyone still confused by what the finale means, what the island is, etc, get the take from someone at Bad Robot. It seems pretty spot on from what I guessed at which is interestign considering I didn't watch the show. Maybe that gave me an advantage, though. I never got confused by all the stuff in between. Apparently, they weren't kidding when they said they had the ending planned the whole time. JJ, people like Chris carter could take a cue from you. I can't believe I just said that.  Whatever happened to me hating JJ?  He went and made Star Trek, that's what happened.  Sigh.

Someone from Bad Robot Takes on the Lost Finale

(I really need a MiB/Jacob icon. Also, I need to find me some MiB/Jacob slash.)

tv: misc

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