Lost Series Finale

May 24, 2010 01:29

So Lost finale, everyone? I have some notes from watching tonight. Although, I'll remind you, I saw like two first season eps, hated it, and didn't start paying attention until two weeks ago or a little more when Marksha had his own episode (which I still need to dl).

All right. My thoughts on what happened.

The island, all real. The atom bomb did nothing except kill Juliet. The sideways 'verse was not actually an alternate reality but rather purgatory where everyone had to relive parallels to their real life up until their deaths and reconnect with those who were most important to them before they could all go into Heaven together.

I can't decide if Jack's dad was just so important to him he got included (Jimmy Kimmel suggested the whole show was a "test" for Jack, so that would make sense that his dad was important enough to him to be included) or if he was just Jack's own visage of God/St Peter/some guide into the after life.

this is also my thought because a friend asked (who, may I note has seen all the eps) why Jacob and the Man in Black weren't there. To which, my thinking, is that they weren't important to Jack and the rest of those stranded. Their roles were important, in that they helped Jack fill his "destiny" and you had to have the antagonist (Locke). But Jacob *himself* didn't matter. He was just somebody filling a job to them.

Now as to the plug in the island (which, nobody expected Jacob to be so exact in his description of it with the cork and the bottle analogy, now did they? My friends didn't, lol), I still have no idea. The island breaks apart when it's not there. It turned the Smoke Monster human (although I didn't realize no one could kill him, I thought only Jacob couldn't) AND allowed Smoky to kill the Protector (though I suspect this is because it wasn't Jacob anymore). but what that life source has to do with anything or the magnetic force, whatever, no idea. Disappearing island? The Others and the Dharma stuff and the polar bears? No idea.

One of my friends believed the wreckage we saw at the end to be the plane that took off with Sawyer and Claire and co in the last ep. I don't think so. I think it took off and made it. Partly because Jack's dad said some of the people had come there long after him (also why I don't think the A-bomb killed them all--that would have made the island a Purgatory within a Purgatory which might make sense if Chris Carter was writing, but even JJ Abrams isn't that insane). My friend then goes, but no one could leave the island. BUT. No one could leave the island while Jacob was there. I think it was less the magnetic pull/force than him. So that, sure, the plane crashed because of the magnetic force. But Jacob had specific people chosen on that plane. That plane didn't crash by accident. It wasn't just any plane. Did Jacob touch a bunch of other people, too, that didn't get there? That I don't think we can even guess at (write fic, maybe, but ever know? Nope.).

Which brings me to perhaps my greatest interest. Jacob and MiB (lol, MIB). Now, sure, I started paying attention all thanks to the love for Marksha and I LOVED War like none other so hey, MiB. But, now I kind of love them for what they stand for. because, automatically, you're inclined to think Jacob Good, MiB BAD. Is that how it really is, though? They grew up not knowing anything but the island existed. One wanted to know more, the other was content with what he had. Given the mantle of Protector, Jacob was selfish. He didn't want to leave, and thus, no one else could, either. Instead, he brought people to him. And he kept his brother there. What was MiB's crime? Only in wanting to leave the island. Jacob basically created the situation that led to the Smoke Monster (both figuratively with the inability to leave the island, and literally by tossing him into the light). It was more a certain interpretation of events that makes one view MiB as "evil". It's not unlike Elphaba and Wicked. Was she actually evil? No. But circumstances forced her hand one way or another and people's rash interpretation viewed her as someone evil. I feel like MiB's story reflects that same idea. Which I am all for. I find him easy to empathize with, even knowing he killed their mother and Jacob by proxy and many others. What he did WAS wrong. But he himself was not evil. The only thing missing, ultimately, is the redemption of Jacob and MiB. MiB got his revenge, but he never got off the island, so in that sense it comes to a close. But what about their connection to each other, the emotional resolution of the Cain/Abel (or Lucifer/Michael story as told by SPN) story line?

Yeah. So...I basically care about 1/8 of the entire show.lol

Your thoughts and theories on the finale? Was it a cop out? Did you want more answers and action than the emotional drama (*points to self*)? Did anyone else link it all to BSG parallels? Did you cry?

Anyone know some good Jacob/MiB fic (porn or merely character development)?

And my ultimate question: do you think the writers put even as much thought into this show as I just did in the last 6 hours?

Can anyone make gifs? There's an AWESOME YouTube vid I am DYING to have a gif made from. Yes, this is Lost relevant, I promise.

In conclusion (what? I like this gif. Also, it's the only Lost one I have.):

reviews: misc

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