Merlin Season 1

Mar 29, 2010 00:05

I watched the Syfy marathon of Merlin today and I have to say...I wasn't too impressed.

I know, I know, blasphemy! I think a lot of my flist LOVES Merlin.

Now, don't get me wrong. I actually have no issue with the acting, scripting, or sets. That stuff is pretty good.


1. I don't see the slash. I mean, ok, Merlin is willing to go out of his way to save Arthur, even offering up his own life. But I'm not seeing the steamy glances of Dean and Cas, or the playfulness and banter of Sheppard and McKay. It feels like a much more brotherly, friendly relationship than I would have assumed it was from everyone's posts and the many fics out there.

2. What is up with this retelling? I have no idea where they're getting half of this stuff. Guinevere as a servant to Morganna (also usually known as Morgan Le Fay)? Merlin, of course, being young and a servant to Arthur. Merlin's mother some poor peasant in a random village? Camelot being thus named before Arthur creates his court? Mordred being a random Druid child (who is saved by Arthur and thus, why would he have beef later on?)? A talking dragon whom Merlin consults for advice? Are they trying to somehow make it a more "accurate" retelling? I suppose the Druid child would make more sense, then. But throw in the dragon and they kind of mess that up. Plus, all accounts I've ever heard of, Guinevere is noble born. Quite often, she's in a prearranged marriage with Arthur (versus the more romantic context of the musical Camelot). You don't have servants in prearranged marriages to future kings, so historical accuracy flies out of the window with that one, too.

Suffice to say, the mythology seems all over the place. I get when you're doing a retelling, you make things different, perhaps to update it, to make it more relevant. So, I liked the idea of a Merlin sort of growing up with Arthur. I can't even object to the idea of him serving the prince considering he served Arthur, King. But the thing about Arthurian legend is how relevant it is for any time frame. Politics of the court, personal betrayal, adultery, and the downfall of a utopian society. Instead, watching this, I can't help but wonder how Arthur is going to claim Guinevere as Queen, and why Mordred is going to kill him when it doesn't have the beauty of the son killing the father (did they feel the need to water down the incest aspect?). (Although, I'm guessing the man Gwen is saying will always be in her heart in season 2 previews is Lancelot?)

It may just be me frustrated by this. I'm a HUGE Arthurian mythology freak. I've probably read/seen/studied every adaptation except the original texts. But seriously, pick one thing/theme to change or one interpretation and please, don't jump and skip randomly.

3. kind of a douchebag. Or as Merlin says, prat. Like, whoa. This might be part of why I don't see the slash. On one hand he calls Merlin his friend and says he's glad he's there (in the unicorn/test episode) and helps to save his village, but the rest of the time he's quite rude and dismissive. And while he says he loves the people, he just has this weird edge. I actually liked him in the unicorn ep because it showed nicely all sides of him; that he can love his friends and be noble, but still has those tragic flaws of the legend (in this case, failing the pride test). But quite frankly, he seems like the high school jock which is just so...pedestrian. I wasn't feeling a king-lyness, nor an evolution. And I have no idea why Gwen was cooing over him about this great king he would be when he was sick from that monster bite. I haven't seen what would prompt that. He's not strutting around talking about democracy or the future court he's going to have, nor saving every person's life.

So, yeah. I felt like it was missing something. It didn't feel romantic and idealistic. But nor did it feel brutal and political like the movie "King Arthur" was. Was it just still floundering in season 1? Is season 2 more slashy, more coherent in its mythology? Convince me.

reviews: misc

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