This Week On TV

Oct 10, 2009 16:13

You know, I'm fascinated that they're now involving a character with a religious background. This whole time, Earth has been fighting off fake religion and trying to help people conquer brainwashing and to encourage them to think for themselves. While we've always had the phrase, "God speed," there was never any real Earth religion. So for a main character in Universe to be raised Catholic...I'm excited. It could be overdone. But I'm going to hope it still comes into play like this week. And that fact that he equates his sin=his priest/father's drinking himself to death? Oh, that poor boy. *hugs Scott*

You know, I almost got a Firefly feel in this ep. The ragtag crew, broken down ship...and the ending song didn't help any. I do like the new feel. Very unlike Stargate. But I like it. I don't get why people are so mad about it "being similar to BSG". I only see the similarities in that, for once, Stargate 'verse isn't shying away from the scary human stuff. Sure we saw guilt over the Hoffan drug, but there was never any true blame passed. Carson should have lost his job over that. Yes, John and Elizabeth were angry about Rodney reviving her using the nanites, but it never had any real lasting effects. Everyone forgave everyone. And SG1 had this focus solely on the aliens out there, less about the personal stuff (not to say it didn't have any, but it was more limited). It's darker and bleaker, but ultimately, that's what I find provides hope. The sacrifices for others, conquering problems together even amidst fights. John sacrificing himself the 10th time makes for a good psychotherapy session but less good TV because we know he's coming back. I like to think SGU will take more risks like BSG and kill off people. Make them all have to work harder. But I don't think that makes it copying BSG. There's lots of sci-fi out there like that and I'm glad Stargate Universe has stepped it up a notch.

First off, IMDB lied to me! It said Castiel was in this ep.

So, why are there always references to Jared's work? I want some off-handed reference to Devour or Ten-Inch Hero. I get in this context, Jared and Paris were both in HoW. But still.

Yes, it was funny and gory. And ok, given Paris' bit about now that the apocalypse has been set, tons MORE supernatural beings are going to feel free to gorge. But the ep just didn't feel right in the midst of it all. It took itself too lightly.

Even if I will never look at a wax figure the same again.

Although!! This episode did make my night because Sam finally stood up for himself and Dean finally admitted his fault in this whole apocalypse bit. I FEEL BETTER. I can't be mad at Dean anymore. For which I am happy about.


I was bored this week until the last 15 minutes or so. Although the Walter/whats-her-name scenes were cute, they were also painful. I mean, the man drugged you when you were a teenager. Stockholm, much? At the same time, it was nice to hear someone being grateful for being special (besides Hiro) because everyone else pisses and moans about not being normal.


Adorable as ever. And that geek has one smokin' body. Seriously, the man is Clark Kent. He's got the dorky attitude, chivalrous persona, wears glasses, works at a newspaper, and Darryl even referred to Joanna as 'Lois Lane'. Really? ♥


What's with my TV shows and the "Strangers on the Train" bit? Last week's Castle and now this week's NCIS. Castle did it better though, it not only kept the integrity of the plot, but it was better enacted. Although I did love the polygraph chick totally digging McGee. Awww.

How long is Supernatural's hiatus?

reviews: ncis, reviews: sgu, reviews: supernatural, reviews: misc

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