End of Dollhouse

May 16, 2009 19:18

I mean the end of the season, of course. Because it's been renewed!!

Sadly, I was flipping through my flist and after the ep Briar Rose (ep 11) people posted spoilery icons as to who Alpha was so I knew before I got around to watching the actual eps today. Annoying yes. Because at that point the ep had aired the night before. I once "yelled" (aka politely asked someone to take it down) at someone for that in the Heroes fandom. I didn't this time, but of course, I wasn't surprised when Wash was revealed as Alpha. I love that choice though. Joss Whedon and Aaron Sorkin really love their key actors, don't they? I like that sense of loyalty.

Anyway. I loved the reveal, I loved the way the scene between Alpha and Echo worked out. I also loved Boyd and Paul working together. I thought they worked really well together and it was interesting to see how Paul got sucked into something he hated. I think he thinks he'll bring it down from the inside, but Dominic didn't succeed...and I'm going to love how it tears at him.

The reveal of Whiskey (also something someone spoiled via icons!!) was interesting and I liked how that played out as well. In general, I just loved these last two eps. It's sad to say goodbye to Miracle (November/Melly), but I think it was a perfect ending.

I ♥ Joss Whedon.

So, last night I slept for over 10 hours. I have been up for like 4. And all I want to do is go back to bed...

reviews: misc, tv: dollhouse

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