52 Days Until XF2: SGA ponderings and recs

Jun 03, 2008 22:49

Firstly, a very big, warm, and happy birthday to biani! She is just a wonderful person, and a fabulous fan. Hope it's a good day, dear!!

Here's a question I have for myself. At what point did I decide McShep was my OTP? I mean, when I first began watching SGA, I only wanted gen, action-based fics. Then, I was convinced to try out some McShep and it was great. I have been steadily reading it since. In between, I have read many other pairings involving both of the boys. Sometimes, threesomes, sometimes where it's a one-sided like or they dabble with other people, sometimes whole stories that don't involve any McShep at all...and I still love those, don't get me wrong. But it seems only now in short fics. It's gotten to the point where I'm (currently) reading a fabulous story, but I can't get into it as much as I want because Rodney is not with John--he's with someone else.

This really bugs me. Because I like to be open-minded. And I hate missing out on good fics because it's not "my OTP". I don't want to be one of those fans, you know? And I guess I have been in other fandoms, too. Like SPN and Heroes, I really only like one couple (er, one family in the case of Heroes?). But for some reason, it doesn't bug me. I don't really read much Heroes fanfic (I write more than read) and Wincest is the biggest of all pairings in SPN that I don't feel I'm missing something by not reading anything else (except the fics where there's a girl somewhere in the story but it's still mainly S&D).

Then again, with this specific story I'm reading, does it only bug me because John's alone? I keep wanting him and Lorne to hook up in it, just so John will have someone. So am I an OTPer, or merely, I don't like my boys alone? Or is this only in regards to one story? Am I simply angsted out? Because I normally love when there's tension and drama and no one's happy because life isn't happy. But right now, it's just bringing me way down.

Should this not bug me? And seriously, when did this happen? *is perplexed and grumpy*

Ok, all that aside, here are some (you guessed it) really good McShep fics/art of late.

1. Unconventional Heroism by sardonicsmiley

An IronMan AU. Yes, you heard me right. I know, I know, after ranting about everyone's sudden squee over RDJ, I go out and join the bandwagon (of Iron Man, not RDJ which I was already on, thank you very much). But I wouldn't rec it if it wasn't great. It's witty and smart, and John is to Lois Lane as Rodney is to Superman. Yes, I had to throw that in because I've never understood how Lois didn't realize Clark=Superman. Seriously, just a pair of glasses? But seriously, this fic is great--it's wonderful to see a fic where Rodney's bravery is not in question and shines through.

2. Bar Harbor's Best with fic by wojeleh and art by beeej

I love boating AU's. It's an amazing piece of art that really just brings to life the fic. Such a wonderful combination together. And really, John Sheppard on a boat. Did I mention how much I love boating AU's? Go, read! *shoos*

3. A City Seems with fic by thisissirius and art by mortari

Let's just say, the very first SGA fic I wrote? This story is what I wanted it to be. I bow to the amazingness (yes, that's a word) of thisissirius. A beautiful, heart-breaking tale.

4. Nevermind with fic by aesc and art by newkidfan

You have not seen art until you have seen this. The art and story flow one right into another and it will astound your mind. I simply can't rec this enough.

5. Of the Spotless Mind by lunabe34

A beautiful, tragic piece that broke my heart. So moving.

recs: sga, tv: sga, topic: fanfic rant

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