Farscape and Meta on my own Sci-Fi Preferences

Nov 08, 2007 18:06

So I decided to check out this show because I enjoy both Cameron and Vala on SG-1. If I like a character, I usually try to find other work by the actor to evaluate if it's the character or the actor. Plus, I seem to be liking more and more sci-fi, so it seemed right.

Frankly, I'm not impressed. I mean, the sets and make up are phenomenal. And I do like John. Aeryn is a fascinating character. But in general? I'm bored by the eps.

I wondered why this is. So I've been doing a little thinking.

Let's look at the sci-fi I like:

Humans fighting parasites (as human) and ascended beings (in the form of humanoids). The Nox are human-like. Replicators are machines (evolving to a human form). Little gray men.

Humans fighting human replicators, humanoid wraith creatures.

Humans fighting machines that are mainly human in appearance.

The X-Files
Humans fighting against monsters and little gray men.

Humans with power.

Humanoid alien.

Sci-fi books I tend to read
Humans fighting themselves, or some alien life form. Sometimes discovering new life forms.

Looking at this list, I tend to see an obvious pattern. I don't seem to like sci-fi that deals with non human creatures. For example, I tend to find Star Wars tedious because of the other alien life forms. And the whole family drama aspect. *rolls eyes* I also find books that involve hundreds of different life forms and such to be just as tedious (Iain M Banks, anyone?). Farscape is full of other creatures. Very few are human (technically only John). Four of the main characters aren't human and only one of those is humanoid.

However, going deeper, that's not my problem at all.

I like sci-fi that gets at the root of "people". I like my villains to be flawed and my heroes even more so. I like smart sci-fi, that isn't too bogged down in the technical aspects (military strategy I get. Machines and how they work? Not so much. Though how John and the other military people don't get Sam and Rodney, I will never understand).

My main interest in BSG? The politics. I love that the show focuses on government vs military. Sometimes together, sometimes not. The conflict between military aspects. Science. It makes some of the villains human (not in shape, but think of Athena), and makes other humans worse than cylons. It's so involved and deep philosophically.

One of my favorite series of sci-fi books, the Ender series, is deep into metaphysics and culture differences and political movements. It's got human manipulation, genocide, human and alien monsters.

The X-Files fought humans who were monsters and men who conspired with aliens to bring destruction to the earth. Every character has some hidden depth. Why doesn't Cancer Man kill Frohike? Why does Krycek help Mulder? Why is Scully so attracted to older, authoritative men? Layers and layers...

Here's the thing. By all standards, I should like Farscape. The Peacekeeper chasing John should be my political interest. The fact that they can't solve everything at once should relieve my concerns of deus ex machina. The flawed nature of the aliens should satisfy that need.

But here's what I find.

Every planet the go to, something's wrong and out to get them. Yes, PKs are after them. Yes, there's bound to be cultural misunderstandings and differences. But it just gets so formulaic.

The main villain, Creiss? He's utterly one-dimensional. He is a megalomaniac and not much else. After ep 8, we're supposed to see why he's so out to get John--because he swore to protect his brother. But seriously, the man has no reason! I don't mean reason in the sense of reason to not like John, but as in rationality. Every time we see him, he's pissed off and talking about John. He defies orders from the Council to return, and doesn't even try to convince his men. He just bashes and yells no the whole time. Blah. Watching the video, he should have seen it was an accident. He doesn't make a very good PK, and I can't see him ever being a good one if he is so willing to flout the council. He kills his one ally. He can't overcome his lust for (needless) revenge to understand the sorcerer was more evil than John ever could be. Seriously, he's just dull.

There's no seeming coherence. Yes, there's one arc in the sense of the PK is out to get John. And ultimately, I think there's an arc to bring down the PK or the corrupt ones. But neither plays out well. Everything seems so stand alone. And you know me, I love my arcs and myths and conspiracies.

I'll say this. My favorite and least favorite part of the 11 eps I've seen, is the same scene. This scientist promises to give them maps to each of their home worlds and ways to avoid the PKs. All he wants in exchange is an arm of Pilot (who doesn't need to go home, the ship is his home). John's planet isn't in the database, and he has moral issues with the taking of Pilot's arm. Aeryn doesn't participate (at first) and has issues with the arm taking. The other three, want to go home so badly, that they forcibly remove Pilot's arm without consent. Three against one. Just chop it off. No moral qualms. At the end of the ep, D'Argo says he'd do it again.

I, like John, am horrified by such an act. I don't care if it would take me longer to find and get home, the MOST I would do is ask (Pilot has regenerative capabilities). And I highly doubt I would do that. Would I give up my own arm? Ha!! I'll spend a few more months in space, thank you. So why would I ask it of anyone else--regenerative or not?

I like this scene, because it places us (the viewer/John) in a place so alien where this isn't a moral dilemma. Even Beckett's gene therapy on the Wraith doesn't offend my sensibilities as much. That's because SGA never addresses it as a problem and doesn't make it so blatant. Wraith are the enemy. But here, Pilot is a comarade if not friend and they just TAKE. And they don't feel bad about it one bit.

I hate this scene for the same reason. Pilot is accepting. The three don't feel bad. But my biggest problem? John hates it just as much as I do, as does Aeryn. And yet, the next ep? They're back to being as close to "friends" with the other three as they have been so far. I can't imagine John would just accept that. I understand, he has to depend on them. But even though it's not my arm, I wouldn't get over the forcible removal for a long, LONG time.

Humor is a sometimes factor for me. I mainly like SG1 and SGA, not because of deep explorations into the conflict of science vs military vs civilian, but because the situations and characters are often hilarious. But then BSG is rarely laugh-out-loud funny to me.

With Farscape, there isn't even humor to bely the storyline.

Frankly? I find Farscape to be the Dark Angel of space. I don't really like the weird looking creatures just like I didn't like the genetic mutants of DA. Creiss is nothing like Lydecker. And frankly? I don't even get the same amount of entertainment from Farscape as I did DA. I will admit, Farscape is much better filmed and probably better scripted...but I just can't get into it.

Ok, God, that was way too long, I'm sure. Any Farscape fans out there want to contradict me? Am I just missing something? Does it get better as it goes along? I imagine I'll keep watching simply because I'm almost through all of SG1 and after that and with the WGA strike I'll have nothing left to watch, but I really think it's my 'time to sleep, Lucy' TV.

I will also add this: Ben Browder is very attractive in this show.

meta, reviews: misc

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