Yay Reviews!!

Oct 27, 2007 17:50

I should be doing my homework. *facepalm*

Yup, so about 20mins through the ep, all I could think about was the fact that at one point JoeM called Larin and her group "space pirates" and then we have Sheppard and Larin mutually capturing one another and getting in little digs. Granted, Daniel and Vala were much funnier, but this version wasn't so bad.

We begin with Sheppard eating an apple. Dude, to be that apple...

Ok, McKay and Sheppard's conversation about the primitive tribe...OMG John is such a MANWHORE!!! LOL He just cracks me up.

McKay's look of fear and Sheppard's "Rodney! McKay!". Awww...twue lurve.

The shot of the PJ being swallowed by the pirate ship was pretty damn cool. Good effects, team.

Throw pillows?! Has Sheppard ever said anything quite so...gay? lol

The amount of Sheppard!whump is amazing. Poor man. Later, when larin just gives it to him...hahaha! She totally kicked his ass. Though he wasn't trying back, so it seems unless it's Teyla, he won't hit a girl.

Why does everyone in this galaxy (and hey, basically anywhere but Earth and the Genii) only wear leather? It's so...cliche sci-fi.

Does Larin look like Mischa Barton to anyone else?

LOL His face at the food! Also, the end when he's chowing down--McKay's face!

They live in space. And so? I wanted someone to bring up BSG. It doesn't seem so terrible to me...

Ok, the force field with the whole open space thing...pretty damn coolscary.

Oooo, Atlantis ship!!! So kind of the Ancients to litter throughout the galaxy.

Aha, Sheppard not putting on the dampners. Oh, he's good.

So, the guns. Are they originally belonging to the Travlers, or did they pirate them from someone else. Will we ever learn the true nature of the guns?

Sheppard looks damn good flying that ship.

LORNE!!! He says like 5 words in this ep but he's so adorable.

She really does know him well. Knowing he wouldn't sacrifice her men even if they did kidnap him.

"Does he look like a man who thinks he's going to die?" *Sheppard taps his fingers on the bed looking bored* LOL!!

SOS!! Only Earth. ♥

"Stop that!!" Hahaha, it just amuses me for some reason.

Umm, so TPTB need to decide if John is smart or not. he couldn't figure out the Atlantis copied design of the Replicators when using the laptop, but he knows how to rewire the control chair?

One more hive ship down!! Has anyone kept a count on these vs the number they gave us in the Pilot?

Oh, here's the Vala/Daniel part. Her trying to get out of the room, him turning off power...

Wraith. Go figure. Umm, she's kind of dumb to go chasing after it. And I love that she can basically hit Sheppard, but can't fight the wraith. Well, at least she's not perfect.

Bwah! The scene with Larin and Sheppard covering the other's mouth. I love her biting him. Way to go, girl! Even if it was at cross purposes to saving their asses. it was funny. And I'd totally do it, too.

"Does it make a difference? Even if it was a fleet of hive ships, would it stop us from trying to get him back?" "No."

That was just...my favortie serious moment of the whole ep. Probably one of my favorite little scenes of the season thus far. Because SO TRUE. And, it reflects on the fact that they (or at LEAST Sheppard) won't give up on Weir, either.

Haha John and Larin bickering. It's like McKay and Sheppard. I especially like the shoot-early-not-the-first-time-heard-from-a-woman/on-the-other-hand-I-might-be-able-to-live(with guilt). Such a predictable line and comeback but still funny.

They have officially bonded over the taking and giving back of life by a wraith. Hmmm. I really want them to bring the Common ground wraith back at some point.

Ok, the kiss came from a mile out. It was cute. But what I liked was she frakking shot him!!! Seriously, I don't entirely mind her after that. LOL

I hated the monologing bit about how her people found them. YAWN.

Anyone else notice the bed in the prisoner's quarters are bigger and better than John's own quarters bed? I really think his room was meant for like, the Ancient kids who were old enough to have their own rooms, but not big enough to need an adult bed.

"Well, I'm not asking you to dinner..." LOL Oh, Shep.

Why does Teyla never wear her hair up when she's in uniform? It seriously has to get in her way.

So, bravo to SGA because for a moment I thought they HAD left with Sheppard. I was like, umm TBC?

Oooh, listen to Lorne's concern/relief. *cuddles*

"...wasn't like we were hanging out in the spa together!" Ahahaha, Shep! You hang out in spas often? Maybe Atlantis really does have Roman baths...

Poor McKay. Never the hot aliens. That's because they know you're off limits umm...special.

Ronon's face at teyla as Rodney goes on about his sexy aliens, PWNs. *gigglesnort*

The best part of this ep, though? TEYLA'S EYEROLL OMG. Seriously WINS. I died laughing.

Good eppy!!

Oh, the M/M arguing!! So fucking married!! And the adorable kiss on the forehead. Just so cute.

Does anyone else not like Monica's friend? She's so down on Monica. Oh, you need time. No, you're not special. Oh, you won't get that manager's job. Like, it's one thing to be realistic. it's another to delibrately bring your friend down. Plus? I LOATHE trucker hats.

"I can't help a neighborhood that won't help itself." Amen, my cop friend. That was a good line.

Caitlin and Peter are just sooo cute. I can't...*flails* She's 100x better than Simon. Seriously. "Done with me?" "Getting there." *smirk* LOL Too cute.

Also, we now know how Peter can shot lightening bolts. Interesting intro into Kristen's character.

Nathan and Matt teaming up!! You know, I was really irritated by Matt last season, but I think anyone who acts with Nathan...just does twenty time better. Also, Nathan's hair amuses me. Greatly. Not a cargo jet...hahahahhahahaha!!! *falls off chair*

Ricky. So hot. Like Caitlin can't hear them, 8 feet away? Pssht. Awww, Ricky defending his sister and Peter. It's just so...Nathan/Peter.

Parkman. Daddy issues. OMG. Nathan knocking. LOL


LOL at Bennet and the Haitian walking in front of the supposed Ukraine backscreen. SO LAME.

Ah, Mohinder's desperate attempt to fic Molly leads to massive brain hemorrage, ensuing stupidity. But I still love you, Mohinder.

Oh, Daddy!Parkman is good. Is it something about the room? Or just separation from Nathan? I feel like I've seen this movie before, with the stuck in the dreams. but, I always love it.

Mimicry. Ooooo. So can she mimic powers, too? Is that why the company's out to get her? What a cool power. I am uber jealous.

"And my mom? Don't even get me started on my mom." LOL, Micha!


Dude. Caitlin is so freaked by Peter going fortune telling on her. Not going to change by opening the box? HAH. Oh, him not recognizing Nathan. *cries* But I LOVE that of anything, he did have a photo of him and his brother. TRUE LOVE.

RICKY. I just want to eat him up. So cute.

Seriously, monster face!Nathan? WTF. It looks like he must have after flying Peter. That's the only thing I can think of. But the psych of him is so cool. And the duo fight is AWESOME. how did he stop him? Well, Matt's got very similar powers.


No Mohinder! Don't do their dirty work!

So. She works for the Company. her daddy is big in it. And she's related to the Petrelli's. Hmmm. Who is her daddy?

I like that Peter asks, "I painted that?" and points at it with a paintbrush in his hand.

That ending scene. AMAZING. I can't wait for next week.

Yay Heroes for bringing it back!! Actually, I think I like this one better because no Claire. I am so annoyed with that scene. I want her to do something. Be a Petrelli again or something.

Come on, the priest was so a bad guy. How did people not see that coming? Most priests do not go to bars. Not even to teach their flock. Also, why did the sister scream? LOL

I loved this ep because while it did have action and humor, it also gave us cool insight into the mytharc. Some people have complained about it going back and forth, but actually, that's what I loved about the ep. I was never bored and always intrigued.

I think that church is the same one Meg visited Murphy in.

I LOVE that Bobby is almost as recurring as the boys now. And the LOOK he gives Sam and Dean when talking about the gun. Hee!

Psycho scrapbooker. LOL

I think Sheppard and Dean would get along. They both like hot women and beaches.

Ceiling mirror. Magic fingers. BRING ON THE PORN, MY FRIENDS. So Mulder.

Richie. Haha, I like this guy. He's funny and skeazy. I love all the new hunters this season. Damn time.

Hmmm, I think I've been to this town.

Totter=HAMMOND!!! OMg this made me so happy. I love Don S Davis. Daddy!Scully, Gen Hammond, now, potential bad guy...♥ I love Vancouver casting.

"Fit that ass on a nickel." Ok, I'm feeling dumb here, but someone explain this to me? I know stopping on a dime. But not this one. *facepalm*

HOWEVER. Dean saying that right next to the priest? BAHAHAHAHHA!!!

Dean's getting in a lot of girly drinks recently. Purple whatevers, appletinis, hurricanes.

Ok, medieval dungeon, much? Demon chick amuses me. So...archaic. I'm going to guess she was one that didn't get out much?

Poor Richie. But it was a good scene. And hey--not too gross!!

I toally felt Ruby. That's funny that she went to Bobby, though. I figured she'd go through Sam to fix the Colt.

So, now that Ruby's been shot...this means if the demon is ever exorcised, she dies. So question is. Will she always be demon!Ruby? Or will the gang eventually kill her too? Or hell, someone else? let's just say, I'm hoping, for good or ill, that if there's another season, Ruby gets to stick around.

OMG the hooker. LOL Dean's like, I don't do hookers. Only easy girls.

D Davis just rocks my socks off. I love that he speaks like 10 words. "What kind of psycho are you?' "Oh, God...You have uh, a nice day." LOL Sammy!!!

How, at 27, does Dean NOT have the exorcism memorized? Moron. *pats affectionately*

"Everyone?" Poor Dean.

Did she say Lohan famous??

Sam is officially creeped out by the hooker. Hee!!!


Haha. I am HIGHLY amused by the Field of Dreams reference Kasey makes.

"Suit yourself. Princess." Oh, boy. SAM.

Fascinating look into the myth. Seriously, I like this demon. Interesting take that the demons have a "higher power" as well. And that no one's seen him, same as God. Or at least not for a LONG time. However, angel does not god make. God to me, still seems higher in the equation. Also, the story is very Christ-like (and King Arthurish, but then we all know KA is just a retelling of Christ anyway). He'll return? Hmmm. I LOVE this kind of shit. Seriously.

I also enjoyed Dean's introspective bit about Hell and his future.

So, if Lucifer made Hell and its such a pit of despair...doesn't sound like any higher power I want to serve. God at least created Heaven. Why do all the demons worship him, then?

Hmm, I kind of wish this demon didn't have to die. I do like her. I love they joke.

Not scared? Buuuullshit, Dean.

Love the awkward conversations Sam has with the "priest". LOL Also, is the priest demon saying he'd follow Sam, too? Hmm.

Of course YED was in charge! Azazuel. Ohhh a name, finally! Didn't someone call him this in a fic, once? Tell me, what was Sam supposed to do as ruler of the army? What is their end purpose? Destruction on Earth? And then what? It just seems so...pointless.

OMG Bobby flying cracked me up!!! It looked so CGIed!! when the priest knocked Sam aside, I thought to myself, come on, Ruby! Where are you? And then, there she was. I am good. *smirks*

Umm, I never thought I'd say this in my LIFE. But that kiss was SMOKING. I mean, he's in a priests outfit and yet...oh!!

Any XF fans...did this remind you of The Ghosts Who Stole Christmas? Or is that just me? *shuts up*

I love the romance between the demons. The question is, would the demon have saved Dean? I like to think he would have. If not out of like for Sam or Dean, but for her. That ending scene was very powerful. The last image, Dean trying to stop Sam...I loved it. I can't describe how much.

Oooh, dean admitting his worries over Sam.

Hmmm. Just rambling, but maybe this demon, is meant to be Sam's other "half"? Or wants to be woman of the boy king? Well, whatever it is, I love her to bits.

Yay, great episode!!!

Ok, three hours later...I shall finally get to my homework.

ETA: OMG!! My computer just righted itself!! Thank God! I can make art again! *does a happpy dance*

heroes, reviews: supernatural, reviews: heroes, reviews: sga

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