More TV Reviews

Oct 06, 2007 18:43

So, this show really does get even better.

Granted, there was less Katee Sackhoff. But it didn't disappoint. First off, we know she's lying. Someone hacked her? Uh-huh. And your little job to make Jaime into a BW and kill Will, that was all hacking, too, right? LOL On the other hand, I love your stealth and code, Sarah. Def my new fav bad guy.

I was surprised that they actually killed Will. I thought he might become Bionic, too. After all, it did hit on the right side, so not his heart. But at the same time, I'm not crying because he did die. It's a nice motivator and slightly cliche, but didn't make me want to gag because we didn't know him all that well, yet. Also, her friends shocked because Jaime didn't want to go shopping with them? Umm, hello? Fiance just died?! Morons.

As for the assignment, very cool. It wasn't something magical. Just a bunch of terrorists. I think this show could end up being very 24-ish, but with a girl/machine as Jack. And secret governments.

How did that girl not know that everyone was gone? It seemed to have happened the day before and then she's shocked because no one's around? Did that confuse only me?

I will admit, the show feels very Dark Angel-ish. Now, as someone on my flist pointed out (forgive me as to who), Jessica and Jensen (and Michael Weatherly) are more attractive than Michelle Ryan and the guy who played Will, but I think this show has much better filming and production qualities to it. All in all, I will keep watching.

Now this episode? Much better than Adrift. It felt like the actors were back on their game. I liked John's decision to leave Teyla as de facto leader. I also loved Weir's mind trick...but didn't think she should have dropped it so soon. Ah, well.

Rodney was his usual doom and gloom self and I loved John's comment about "it never stops with you," and McKay being totally lost. LOL

The John-Amanda scene was very nice at the end. Everyone's reaction (especially John's) to Weir being gone was great. I have faith. She won't be dead. And you know what? I don't care if she comes back good or turned. I think it'd be cool either way.

Ok, and the whole kiss like a leaf thing? LOL McKay's been smoking some good crack lately. or ran out of physics journals to read and borrowed Weir's copy of Emily Dickinson poems. *snort*

However, it still seemed...a bit off, to me. Something about these new eps just isn't clicking. Unlike everyone else, I don't feel the SQUEE. Hmm. Maybe something is wrong with me.

*checks her forehead for temperature*

All I have to say? YAWN.

Seriously. Most boring ep of two seasons.

Granted, Hiro and his "write about this in history books" was adorable. And then Peter saving the Irish chick's butt? Pretty damn cool. Also, Mohinder coming in while Matt and Molly are asleep? *hugs whole perfect gay family and applauds Kring*

But in general. Blah. I mean the whole Claire bit--didn't we go through all of this last season? The angst. I mean at least this time it isn't because she's "a freak", now it's because she can't be freaky enough. Ho hum. *checks watch* However, Mr. Muggles and watching himself on the TV? ADORABLE.

But I kind of want to kill the new Zach. Seriously. He sucks.

Black eyes. It seems I can't escape them. And here, it seems so lame. It's even more black oilish than SPN black eyes.

And when do I get my Peter/Nathan back together!? *cries*

So, yeah. I hope the next ep is better.

Of them all, SGA, Heroes, NCIS, BW...SPN took the cake. It was amazing.

Kripke, I love how you keep the show fresh every year with the new/same intro. I love the steel look. And Hell's Bells? OMGILUVUKRIPKEAC/DCYAY!!!

And while, in a sense, I wish they had done more with the seven deadly sins (because how fanfic is that?), I loved how the whole ep flowed.

Also loved:
Sam window watching Dean
Dean's face through the window
Sam's reaction (FANFIC, OMG)
"That was a part of you I never wanted to see." (BWAH!)
Bobby yelling at Tamara

And, the new chick. I wish I could remember which one she is. I'm thinking not the one who steals the artifacts. She looks a little Jo-ish, but very cool.

OMG the Draino scene. Could not. Watch. It. Just the thought...*gags* Well done, Kripke. Too well done. *turns green*


NCIS, ep 2, Family

Read: Always a good show. And DiNozzo calling her "marks"? LOL Plus. Family. AWWWW.

Next up: Heroes unaired pilot and still waiting for Profit.

heroes, reviews: supernatural, reviews: heroes, reviews: sga, reviews: bionic woman

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