
Oct 01, 2007 01:48

Sorry, I am just so busy, I swear I have no time for anything. Today was spent catching up on the last week and a half of online stuff. Yeesh.

Spoilers, ahead.

Ok, so maybe I was more pumped up than I should have been, or I was spoiled (and I don't mean knowing what happens) by Joe's blog, or maybe I've just gotten out of the habit of watching sci-fi because frankly, I wasn't incredibly impressed.

It was incredibly predictable. Of course they're going to run out of power, of course they'll overcome it, of course Elizabeth would need immediate help and thus become half replicator. I mean I saw the bullet asteroids coming a mile away. Anything to add drama. And on top of that, it kept flickering from one situation to another so fast that it all felt rushed.

The "John" was cute, but it seemed so random, and it was easily missable. I had to go back and make sure. It makes me wonder if it was David who said it, rather than being scripted. It just seems after all this time it would have been a bigger deal. Like in a face to face argument or something.

I did like the confrontation between because good for Rodney. Sheppard seemed a bit big for his britches--as though he was delibrately trying to micromanage which seemed out of character for him. That being said though, it pains me to say Sheppard was in the right. Not on whether it should be done/was ok to be done, but in that Weir wouldn't have wanted it.

Also, the clips of Amanda and The Apollo? I don't mind AT joining the cast so don't think this is any of that kind of rhetoric, but those scenes to me felt so...scripted? Too planned and too much like plot movers than really happening.

That being said, I certainly didn't hate the ep or anything.

Again this one was a bit predictable (in that obviously it wouldn't be DiNozzo in the car). But some things weren't. Like how it all came down. And The Frog not hurting DiNozzo, in fact, almost saving him. Great Director Sheppard episode--I love watching her human side.

And that ending. Oh, my. I can't wait to see how it all plays out.

But, does anyone else join me in saying WTFMcGeeYourHair?! For real.

OMG. Just OMG. Amazing. Better than last year. The new bad guy is scarier because we can't see him (just like Sylar at first). And the nine? Who are they, who's killing them?

I loved this ep. Just like with SGA, it jumped everywhere, but here, it played out to lend mystery, even humor. Like Hiro and the English man. Does that mean Hiro is really Kensei? Or what? Oh, that was just too funny. It felt slightly Shanghi Noon. *G*

NATHAN. Not only is he alive, but look at him. He's TORN APART over his brother. And that call between him and Claire? OMGSODOINGITALLTHREEOFTHEM. Ahem. But seriously, I had to clutch my heart.

And Ando's loyalty to Mr Hiro (try spelling his last name, yeah, right)? And to Hiro? ♥

Also? I actually liked this episode with Matt. He was so sweet with Molly. And PS. Matt and Mohinder=TOTALLYDOINGIT.

Peter. Holy fuck, Milo is HOTT.

So yes, lots of capslock. This episode was so worth it. God is it Tuesday, yet (that's when I can dl it)?

Left to see:
Bionic Woman
Big Shots

And in unrelated news, and something I hate asking for and never normally would ask, but would you all keep my mom in your thoughts/prayers? She just got some very hardcore emotional news today and I'm not at home where I can help her through it which is making me feel terrible.

reviews: ncis, reviews: heroes, reviews: sga

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