Finales and Friday Five

May 26, 2007 00:53


I have to say, it was unusual for a finale. There wasn't anything big; no explosions, no true cliffhanger. The side plotline with Jeanne and Tony made it seem like any old MOTW (or rather, "case of the week").

It was also slightly predictable. As in I knew when we saw the second to last ep Director Sheppard's father wouldn't be dead. And five minutes in, I guessed The Frog would end up being Jeanne's father.

That being said, it was still good. I'm not dying to see the next ep now, but none of the finales this year (with the exception of 24) have made me feel that way, and so I'm not grading them like that. It was good. As always, the chemistry and interaction between the characters is great. I loved Ziva and Ducky's talk. It made me think sort of of the season finale of West Wing, 4th season. But it shows such a great partnership. I really love Ziva and DiNozzo because they have a Mulder and Scully-like parnership. Like there could be something romantic, but mainly, the two just compliment each other so well. And of course, I'm curious to see what the big deal is with Sheppard and her father. Why he faked his death, why he's suddenly back, etc.

So, yes. Good.


Umm, that's about what I got. I can't even believe Nathan is dead. If he is...I might have to boycott the show. Or not. But really, couldn't Peter fly away? Couldn't Claire shield him like she did with Ted at the house? It just seems a pointless way for Nathan to die, even if it's supposed to show us he's not terribly cold like his mother.

Things I loved:

Peter and Nathan (4eva!)
Nathan's stupid self-sacrifice
Sylar in that trench coat
Molly and Micah. (So cute!)
Niki and Jessica working it out

Things I can't wait to find out:

What is Charles' power?
Did that solar eclipse in 1617 cause the mutations? Was it the first sign? What's the relation?
Did Sylar actually get away and no one fucking noticed?
Will Mohinder somehow "adopt" Molly?
What does the VR chick really look like?
Who is worse than Sylar?
When Hiro will meet that dinosaur.

Things I hated:
Peter's too-long hair.

But seriously. Can't wait for more and wow. NATHAN!!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday Five
1.) Tonight the CW re-aired the season two premiere, "In My Time of Dying". Now that we've seen the season finale and premiere, and as it is obvious both episodes were meant to have a big impact on the characters of the show (and therefore the fans), which episode did you like better and why?

The finale. I mean, Dean with the reaper was moving, but I love the action and adventure and lack of crappy miracle needed to make me want more.

2.) If the fans could vote on one extra Supernatural episode, would you rather have a wee!Winchesters episode (like "Something Wicked" from season one) or an episode twenty years in the Winchesters' future? As always, please explain.

Ohhh. Tough. I'd have to say wee, because I like the future being left to my own imagination.

3.) Supernatural is very music-oriented, so here's your crack question for the week. Which real band (meaning you can't make one up) would you place Sam and/or Dean in and why?

Oh, Dean would love to tour with like, Lynyrd Skynyrd. Sam would fit with Good Charlotte, probably.

4.) How do you hope the Agent Henricksen storyline will be handled in season three?

Tense and always on their toes. I like him because he really is just doing his job. Mulder would probably want to bring them in at first, too (until he was convinced they were heroes), because of the whole grave desecration thing.

5.) What are your thoughts on the season 2 DVD cover?

First off...second season cover, already? Holy crap! Second, it's nice. Love the blue. Works for the emo season. ;-)

reviews: ncis, friday five, reviews: heroes

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