So lately I have been trying to live as exclusively in the moment as possible. It hasn't been so easy, but I have noticed a sharp decline in the chronic Assholia that has haunted me my whole life. A whole lot less hatred coming from this one, and the benefit of all this is my depression is pretty much gone. All that really remains is a fervent desire to recalibrate my awareness to where it was over a year ago and move forward from there.
Still not exactly sure in what direction, but when has that NOT been the case with me?
I'm going to begin the job search again, this place I'm at now has quickly become the dead-end I always envisioned it to be.
I do take small solace in the fact that we are running a charity drive to collect money to benefit those who lost their homes in the recent fires down here.
I've personally collected more than $100 in the last couple of days.
Booyeah, in yo face! You Shit's weak, wizeak! SHIIIITSWEAK!!!
You hear that Outrageous Fortune? YOU SHIIIITSWEAK!
Mike Crolene, mad outrageous fortune taunter.
Don't stand too close to me for the next couple days, I'm liable to take a meteor to the head, what with all this laughing at fate.