So as some of you may know there are some fires going on near where I live as well as where I used to live.
For the record: I'm safe (for now)
But lemme tell you that I am sitting in the one unburnt sector of San Diego County, almost surrounded by wildfires. South, East and North of me there are fires burning the homes of those too rich or intrepid to live here in town with us plebians.
To the rich I say good luck, stay alive, and don't worry too much, you're rich.
To the intrepid I say better luck, good fortune to you folks, especially with evacuating your animals and such, hopefully your fine homes are not destroyed by this.
I worked today, at one of the only open stores in Encinitas. Thus I was confronted by some of the saddest stories as well of some of the most relieving stories.
I have a tendency to have a bit of gallows humor, laughter in the face of tragedy and all, but today I tried mightily to maintain sang froid in the face of the variety of stories I heard. The last thing someone needs to hear when their house burns down is a knock-knock joke.
Aside from that I wished Bevmo was open so I could go buy some La Fin Du Monde: aka "End of the World" beer. It's really good, made by the folks at Unibroue of Canada. It's like Champagne, it even comes with a cork.
Anyhoo, hope everyone is safe, I gotta a few phone calls to return.
Hugs and Kicks
Yesterday was a day of rest, so my brother and I packed up our Ipods and headed up to Pomona to watch the NHRA Sport-Compact Drag-racing World Championships. You would think watching 500 horsepower honda civics running 10 second quarter miles would be fun. You would be wrong. A quarter mile is pretty short and the car is going upwards of 150/mph by the end of it. Fast and the Furious gives the sport some fun atmosphere, but a scorching race track on a Sunday with no beer and 6 dollar powerade makes the affair less than electrifying. There were some notable vehicular moments of awe: the 10 second 80's Datsun, the 6.5 second quartermile of the sick pro funny car, and the car show. There was a lot of bling out there, some sweet old creampuffs and some awesome color change paint jobs.
All in all it was fun, but the lack of amenities made the day less than perfect. It sure was cool hanging out with my brother though, we did a lot of laughing yesterday.
Also there was a motocross stunt ramp with dudes doing backflips, sweet.