LJIdol - Week 23

Oct 02, 2014 06:06

I know "the fiction of the fix" is an expression that relates to an addiction, be it drugs, love, danger, or what have you, but I was driving home from work, thinking about this week's theme, and I saw the exit sign to DC that I pass daily, and it made me think of the expression in a different way, so here is my take on fictions and fixes and that odd desire to believe that a slight adjustment in course will fix everything in one's life.


Keep left at the fork and follow the signs
for Interstate 95 North. Washington
in under two hours, and everything will change.

I’ll get a new place with built-in bookshelves.
I’ll get a new job with an NGO.
I’ll start going to plays and wear suits every day.
I’ll give scallops another chance.
I’ll sit at the café, and pretend to read a book
                              as I watch for you.

But I keep right and follow the signs
to 64 East, to the shelves from IKEA
and my job at the bank (subrogating loans)
and the nights wasted in front of the TV
and the sweatpants and Cheeto-stained fingers
(and I’ll never like scallops)
and to coffee in the morning alone,
                            pretending I don’t care

about the life we could have shared
or built-in bookshelves.

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