Oh goodie, a pointless quiz for me to fill out! ^^

Oct 21, 2006 22:51

1. When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
Oh good, the worst of my acne seems to be clearing up. -_-

2. How much cash do you have on you?
Ehhhh... a fair bit ^^;; It's been building o.o

3. What's a word that rhymes with DOOR?

4. Favorite planet?
Pluto. It's got that sad loner feel to it. I feel like I can relate :P

5. Who is the 4th person on your missed call list on your cell phone?
My guess, either Mell or Vanth

6. What is your favourite ring tone on your phone?
Oooo, not sure... She's So High or Numb are both goodies ^^

7. What shirt are you wearing?
It's what I sleep in... a T-shirt that I got for being a good girl at my orthodontist :P

8. Do you label yourself?
hope not

9. Name the brand of your shoes you're currently wearing?
Ehh... not sure what it is. got it from payless. it was cheap

10. Bright or Dark Room
Bright... I've been getting attacked a lot in dark ones

11. What do you think about the person who took this survey before you?
Omgz looooooove <3<3

12. What does your watch look like?
it's one of those real old Timex ironman ones that every kid used to have and that I still have :) It's redish with fading text.

13. What were you doing at midnight last night?
Watching South Park with my bro

14. What did your last text message you received on your cell say?
Rofl... Telus reminding me to top up my minutes :P

15. Where is your nearest 7-11?
umm... dunno... is there one at Bathurst and Finch? If not, that one you guys keep mentioning, i guess

16. What's a word that you say a lot?
uhhh... <--is the word I mean lol

17.Who told you he/she loved you last?
I assume it was my mom

18. Last furry thing you touched?
humm... does my carpet count? o0

19. How many drugs have you done in the last three days?

20. How many rolls of toilet paper do you currently have in the house?
eh... enough? ^^;

21. Favorite age you have been so far?
Dunno... I think some of those innocent childhood ages are pretty good. I'm ok with my age now

22. Your worst enemy?
Like you guys have been saying--myself.

23. What is your current desktop picture?
Mmm, a purty one I have from Kingdom Hearts ^^

24. What was the last thing you said to someone?
"Yeah, I'll go get the laundry" ... I still haven't gotten off my ass to grab it from the dryer.

25. If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
Anyone can get a million bucks, but who can fly? Fly.

26. Do you like someone?
In... what way? who doesn't like some people? @.@;; specify, people!

27. The last song you listened to?
Ooo, that purty song from Legend of Dragoon is playing- "If you Still Believe"

28. What time of day were you born?

29. What's your favorite number?

30. Where did you live in 1987?
toronto. always have. same house an everything o.o

31. Are you jealous of anyone?

32. Is anyone jealous of you?
It'd be nice to think that someone would be, but I don't see why anyone would be

33. Where were you when 9/11 happened?
School. Dunno which class, though

34. What do you do when vending machines steal your money?
Smash the window of it, swear, kick, scream, see if there's some way to get my money back

35. Do you consider yourself kind?
To certain people

36. If you had to get a tattoo, where would it be?
somewhere on my back I think

37. If you could be fluent in any other language, what would it be?
Japanese. Such a cute lil language :P

38. Would you move for the person you loved?
Not sure. Ask me again if it ever comes up

39. Are you touchy feely?
No. Might be nice if i was

40. What's your life motto?
hmm. When life gives you lemons, daaaance! Dance like there's a monkey in your paaaants!!!

41. Name three things that you have on you at all times?
A necklace. clothing. hope
(ooooohhhh, see how I made that simple comment all sentimental? ^^)

42. What's your favorite town/city?
Mmm, dunno. I'm good with Toronto. Some of the cities in Provinces out East are real nice, though

43. What was the last thing you paid for with cash?
Mmm, I think it was a Steeped Tea from Timmies. Steeeeped.
I'm so addicted to those things ;_;

44. When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper and mailed it?
Don't even know

45. Can you change the oil on a car?
Umm, if someone taught me, I don't see why not?

46. Your first love: what is the last thing you heard about him/her?
Uh. Still haven't had a first love, thanks.

47. How far back do you know about your ancestry?
Um, know about my grandparents and I guess a little more before then?

48. The last time you dressed fancy, what did you wear and why did you dress fancy?
Well, I don't know how fancy you mean... but I was fancy-ish for Shule during the high Holidays. ... Skirts... -mutter growl-

49. Does anything hurt on your body right now?
One of my butt muscles if cramping up. Pissing me off. Think I've been sitting on my ass too much o0

50. Have you been burned by love?
Hmm, maybe a little, but not enough to complain about
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