Jan 21, 2013 06:54
Bad news,
while your body is ringing
like a slave bell,
your God's eye pricks
me when it blinks,
an emerald shimmering
atop the witch's stick
when she fixes me a curse.
When you slash my chest
open with the fork
of your tongue,
you accidentally cause my cancer.
My heart is a tumor going to kill me,
and you're the surgeon
who knicks it too deep.
Everything used to have its own face,
now my dreams are an atlas
of ghost-women all disguised as you,
they thread themselves
with the pale yarn
of your avatar,
and nothing is sharp enough
to cut you out of the sheet.
Sometimes I am a species
of snow fox hunted to extinction
by a pack of female dogs,
and every bitch I meet
is a bloodhound severing
my veins with your teeth.
On the dark mast
of a silently passing ship,
you become a figurehead,
your jaw glows in the moonlight
like two clean bones,
a skull on its black flag.
Your lips are terrorists
wearing the hijab
of a suicide bomber.
You are the Muslim adulteress
I catch in a kiss,
and I stone you to death.