Aug 10, 2006 16:48
Ok, so my Cartoon research is almost done, for my own amusement. I am sad at how many cartoons fail to live up to the old standard.
I've also been reading Uncanny X-Men a lot lately. I learned that I like the X-Men more than I thought. Here are some notes I learned about the X-men and what I like.
-Wolverine was a much better character in the late 70's early 80's then his now. Back then he only used his claws when nesecary, and never killed with them. However, as comics got darker in the late 80's he of course starteed killing, and going beserk.
-I fucking hate Storm, I can't stand her at all. While reading X-Men in the 90's she didn't do that much, but in the 70's she's a huge fucking uptight bitch, and then in the 80's she more of a dark charcter than Wolverine.
-I love Kitty Pryde, she is a great character, and I can see why so many people say she's a reason they got into comics, or the X-Men.
-There was not enough Havoc in the 80's, I want Havoc god darn it.
-Professor Xavier some how dies, or get's injuried after every 15 issues. It' gets really annoying.
-Cyclops is not as bad as I thought he was. He's actaully a great leader, in the comic.
Well, once I read more issues I may have more notes for ya.