Nov 25, 2004 00:51
I hope we can all tHink of tHings we are gratEful for.
I know tHaT i'm thankFul For my mami and brother and my fAmily in general. I'm happy that i'm at a really really good school where i'm helping make a corny as tHat sounds...i'm glad THat my Transition from adolescence inTo adulthood wasn't as traumatic or as bad or as lonely as my tranisition from child To Teenager. i'm glad that i'm growing up and experiencing new tHings. yay for 2004...i'm ready For THe new year. :) i really am glad tHat i got tHis break b/c i tHink i would have gone crazy aT valpo without some sorT oF vacation. plus i get To shop!!! lol and i got some awesome chilean jewelry (omg, tHese earrings i got are the shit). i know That tHis is sooo random but i was thinking abouT tHings and i've decided that if i'm not president of LIVE my senior year I won't be a parT of iT. ...i know tHat sounds harsh buT i really want tO be president and i feel i've put a lot of tIme and effort into the organizaTIon as a sophomore so i should be tHe one tHat gets the tItle of president...noT jusT For THe title buT b/c of what iT means...that i am responsible and in charge of the group...i mean one oF tHe FIrst tHings i did was get everything seTtled for live...i know what i need tO do for tHe evenTs for next semesTer...all tHE way up tO may 7Th. i put a loT of tIme intO THis...and i'm going to decoratE mlk...probably out oF my pocket...for tHe christmas posada...and more tHan likely a lot of people won't notIce or appreciatE iT...tHat"s what scares me...tHat people tHink i'm just a power hungry bitch...and THose freshman girls tHat don'T like me---i'll need THeir votes tOo....i guess tHis is too soon TO tHink about i have almost tWo years. but This time next year i will have TO have made my mark on tHe new class b/c tHey will be tHe ones deciding when i'm in france. whatever...i just know i beTTer get tHaT oFfice. anyway tHat was a weird Tangent. i'm so excitEd for dinner...b/c tHe food at my house sucks...i honestly don't know why eric and mom don't starve...there's NOTHING here...iT's crazy.