so what really happened.....

Nov 08, 2006 11:29

this past weekend wasnt what i expected. it sucked major! except for saturday night, someone came and saved me. thank you!

well friday i got a phone call from one of my uncles saying that my aunt only had a couple of months left of life. so you can imagine that the info didnt make me jump for joy. but i figured that i would be able to deal with it since my best friend was coming to see me so that would help me forget and relax. well last minute that fell throug as well. by this point i knew that nothing good would come of this weekend.

by this point i was depressed and at home studying for a test that i didnt even really care about. then i got a phone call from a friend and i knew there was hope for the rest of the weekend.

needless to say i went out and got really drunk and came back home with the left overs from the night. it was like this friend knew exactly what i needed! THANK YOU!!! i wont say this person's name cause they weren't suppose to be with me but what ever.

that sunday i went to church, prayed really hard, and have yet to find peace within myself. at least i still have some boozes! i guess its back to my old ways for a while. i think i need it.

on the good side, i start working tomorrow, and i'm finally going to new orleans this weekend. even though its for a football game we still get to hang out afterwards. hell yeah! im just happy to start working again, i need it. haha!

so yeah i think thats it!

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