ok, so not much has happened.....

Oct 03, 2006 11:52

thats a lie. this past weekend after finding out that i fucked up my thumb, i got talked into ushering for the musical GODSPELL that was here on campus. which turned out to be a good thing since i really liked the show. then on saturday i went out dancing with some friends and in a way made a new one. sunday i ushered the last day of GODSPELL and finally got some good sleep. oh and friday i found out that the band is going to green bay this sunday to do a half time show for the packers. i think that really made my day. oh, and on friday i got to hang out with a bunch of friends for a guy's not so surprise birthday party.

but any way, the past couple of days have been full of laughes at other people. i mean my life would be so dull if i didn't have the friends that i do. i love you guys!!!

so i'm out cause my hand is killing me.

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