May 22, 2007 12:56
¿Qué Pasa?
Soooo I'm finally getting into the swing of things again. No more stressing because of money, no more stressing because of school, just no more stressing really. I'm liking it.
My Derby paycheck was awesome. But the taxes sucked...really really really bad. I fuckin hate working my ass off to pay bills and then looking at my check to find that I worked too hard because almost $200 of that is missing due to taxes. Bah! lol
I really like Ashley too. It's different because at both of my jobs now, I'm kind of like the youngest one working there...literally. There are people at Ashley who have grandkids older than me hahaha It didn't really hit me too hard until we were all standing around yesterday and the topic of divorce came up and I was pretty much the only one who didn't have a story or an anecdote to tell. But still a funny convo to listen in on. And I've come to find commissioned sales to be a nice relief in the world of retail. I get paid for the amount of work that I do. No more getting stiffed, screwed over, and under paid. I literally earn every dollar that I make. Besides where else can you work where you can make $100 in 20 minutes? Then again where else is there where you can stand around for 2 hours and make nothing? lol
I've come to appreciate my medicine too. I've come to find that I tend to wake up and stay in good moods almost every day. And I havn't had bad anxiety, anything close to a panic attack, or any bad mood swings in like a month! I love it!
And on a not so light but not so negative note. A phone works two different ways. If it was causing that much worry I'm just a phone call away. But it wasn't, and I know that. I swear I'm smarter than most people give me credit for. Consistently insisting and attempting to put people on guilt trips is vindictive, manipulative, and hardly a mature thing to do...period...but thats just my opinion.
And on a completely and utterly separate and highly positive note to end this with. I MISS YOU ALL! People, family, friends, etc. I've been hella crazy busy and distant this past month or so and that's my fault. Sooooo call me and lets hang out!
¡Hasta Luego!