Yesterday's weather was pretty interesting. I thought it was cool how the sky kept changing colors.
I am really excited that the semester is ending in a few weeks. THat also means I am that much closer to having to actually decide what to do next year. I hate all the work that goes with change *sigh*
Your Nail Polish Color is
How you're unique: You're girly without being high maintenance
Why your style rocks: You're the perfect blend of stylish, preppy, and cute
What this color says about you: "I am secure enough not to follow every
Color Nail Polish Best Fits You? You Are a Conservative
Like Elizabeth Hasselbeck and Ann Coulter, you're conservative and proud of
You speak your mind, even if everyone else around you disagrees.
As you see it, you have to stand up for traditional values and what's
Are You a Liberal Lady or a Conservative Chick?