Sep 28, 2006 16:56
[ ] short,
[x] 5′4″-5′5″
[ ] 5′5″-5′6″
[ ] 5′6″-5′7″
[ ] 5′8″-5′9″
[ ] 5′10″ and up
Your confessions:
[ ] I'm afraid of silence
[x] I am really ticklish
[ ] I'm afraid of the dark
[ ] I've collected comic books
[x] I sometimes shut out others
[ ] I open up to others TOO easily
[ ] I read the newspaper
[x] I love Disney movies
[x] I am a sucker for gorgeous eyes
[x] I am a sucker for a gorgeous smile
[ ] I don't kill bugs
[ ] I have "x"s in my screen name
[ ] I bake well
[x] I have worn pajamas to class (homeschooling will do that to you)
[ ] I love Martha Stewart
[ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I can't swallow pills
[x] I bite my nails
[ ] I play computer games when I'm bored
[ ] I have gotten lost in the city
[x] I have gone out in public in my pajamas
[ ] I have made out in an elevator
[ ] I have been skydiving
[ ] I have been bungee jumping
[x] I have bitten someone
[x] I have egged or T.P.ed a house/car
[x] I have smashed a car
[ ] I have been fired
Have you ever…
[x] seen a shooting star
[ ] joke proposed to anyone
[ ] gotten stitches
[ ] eaten Sushi
[x] gotten the chicken pox
[ ] Ridden in a taxi
[ ] Been on a cruise ship
[x] Driven over 400 miles in one day
[ ] Been on a plane by yourself
[x] had surgery
[x] seen the same movie more than 3 times in the theater
[x] been on stage
[x] gotten a black eye
[ ] memorized all the dialogue in a movie
[ ] watched an entire baseball game
Do you like…
[x] old movies
[x] musicals
[x] blasting music in your car
[ ] foreign foods
[ ] gameboy Pokemon
[x] Christmas time
[x] doughnuts
[x] animals
[x] coffee
[ ] tea
[x] summer
[x] winter
Two Names You Go By: Erica, Rica
Two things you are wearing right now: My uniform and my really old shoes
Two Places You Want to go on Vacation: Europe, Grand Canyon
Two Things You Are Thinking About Now: There are still two stinking hours before I can close the shop; there is no one in the coffee shop!!
Two favorite animals: Dogs and...MY cat
Two Reasons you're doing this survey: I'm bored out of my mind and this is a time filler
Spell your name without vowels: Erc
How many pairs of jeans do you own?: One regular and then the capris and shorts
What color(s) do you wear most often? I don't know
What's for dinner tonight? Whatever I snakc on at work
Are you happy with your life right now? yup
[Do you own a…]
- PS2: nope
- XBOX: Nope
- PSP: Nada
- Gamecube: nope
- Digital Camera: Yes
In what state or country do you want to go to school after high school? I'll stick around in florida for a while
Do you shop at stores like Aeropostale and American Eagle? nope
How do you make money?: I work for it
Last thing you bought?: some food at school
How's the weather?: sunny
When did you start summer break?: may
Do you own big sunglasses?: Nope
What should you be doing right now?: probably cleaning something
Who did you hug today?: Kayla
How many beds did you lay in yesterday?: one
What color shirt are you wearing?: nasty orange
Name one thing that you do everyday? eat
What color are your bedroom walls?: an earthy green
How much cash do you have on you right now? 10 bucks
What's your favorite sport?: Soft-ball or v-ball
Q: When was the last time you saw your dad? last night.
Q: What did you have for dinner last night? subway.
Q: Look to your left, what do you see? pastries
Q:Do you have plants in your room?: nope
Q:Recent time you were really upset? I'm not sure