This post is lifted from: 50 most interesting articles on Wikipedia April 7, 2009 Deep in the bowels of the internet, I came across an exhaustive list of interesting Wikipedia articles by Ray Cadaster. It’s brilliant reading when you’re bored, so I got his permission to post the top 50 here.
Bookmark it, start reading, and become that person who’s always full of fascinating stuff you never knew about.
The top 50 Wikipedia articles by interestingness
Marree Man 2.
War Plan Red 3.
Vela Incident 4.
Tybee Bomb 5.
United States Numbered Highways 6.
Wow! Signal 7.
Tube Bar Prank Calls 8.
Kola Superdeep Borehole 9.
Back to the Future Timeline 10.
Year Without a Summer 11.
K Foundation Burn a Million Quid 12.
Sokal Affair 13.
Blue Peacock 14.
Veerappan 15.
Person From Porlock 16.
Eternal Flame 17.
U.S. Color-Coded War Plans 18.
The Wedge (Border) 19.
Mohave Phone Booth 20.
Stanislav Petrov 21.
Valery Sablin 22.
The Man on the Clapham Omnibus 23.
Special Atomic Demolition Munition 24.
Piracy in the Strait of Malacca 25.
Prometheus (tree) 26.
Zone of Alienation 27.
Fan Death 28.
Outlawries Bill 29.
Raymond Robinson (Green Man) 30.
Scoville Scale 31.
Kardashev Scale 32.
Larry Walters 33.
Joshua A. Norton 34.
Fabergé egg 35.
Issei Sagawa 36.
Joseph Jagger 37.
Traumatic Insemination 38.
James Joseph Dresnok 39.
Ivy League Nude Posture Photos 40.
Jim Corbett (Hunter) 41.
Just-World Phenomenon 42.
Nicholas Bourbaki 43.
Humanzee 44.
Old Man of the Lake 45.
Alexamenos Graffito 46.
Fairy Chess Piece 47.
Michael Fagan Incident 48.
Palomares Hydrogen Bomb Incident 50.
As Slow as Possible *Copybot is not responsible for the hours and hours that disappeared while you were exploring this list. But she is responsible for the fascinated responses you get at the water cooler tomorrow.
If you enjoyed this list, I’ve since posted
50 more of Wikipedia’s most interesting articles. The second list is less war-focused than this one.
So many awesome things on that list - the world is a weird and wonderful place. I think here would be appropriate to use Drhoz's LJ tag of "Education even if you don't want it"., I like the use of the word "interestingness".