thanks a fucking lot tina!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jun 18, 2004 23:14

ok so i went to tina's today and we hung out and had a good time....**shakes fist at you while grunting** heh...and on the ride home tina is having a old brand, menthol and everything....and she offers me a hit...well after much fighting on my part i finally give in....i take in a very big hit and OH MY GOD....i never knew how much i missed it... thanks a whole lot tina, you fucking whore..... so yea, i have to like force myself not to start again.... i just wont go buy them....itll be hard but i can do it....i have sooo many resources at my disposal though i could have them in less than five minutes....holy fuck....ok, no....just no....

on another note...tina picked a huge ass wedgie when we were was the greatest....i just thought you all should know.....

and yet another depression is getting happier when im around friends but im still down... so all i need is to be able to cut myself (which i cant because i prmised taylor) and to smoke again because it relieves tension and will eventually kill me...and i know that most guys think its disgusting but ask me if i care...and i can do it where its not gross, i dont smell like it, and my breath isnt leave me the fuck not going to start aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!...god damnit tina!!

ok thats all for now....later.

your lord and master,

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