(no subject)

May 25, 2010 16:06

I've hit a wall. I've lost 12.5 pounds, but haven't lost a pound in two weeks. I need to change some things to continue to lose weight and to WIN THE CONTEST. So, my goals are:

1. More physical activity. Bike riding, jogging, and ab video. (So far so good with this one. Started on Thursday)
2. More structured diet. I was much better at this in the first few weeks so I will be returning to this.
3.  Eat more at breakfast. Not just one packet of oatmeal but adding fruit. This will hopefully jumpstart my metabolism and give me more energy throughout the day. (add one piece of fruit every day, one apple, some cherries, an orange)
4. More protein. I need more energy. Almonds, legumes, soy. The recommended amount is 64 g per day for 160 lb person so that is my goal.
5. No more pop. Even though Diet Coke has no calories, it also has no nutritional value and leaves me feeling gross and bloated. Water or tea from now on.
6. Plan lunch at work better. When I don't plan I tend to eat very little which leaves me ravenous later.

I still want to lose at least 8 pounds by June 30th. This is five weeks from now and I firmly believe that I can do it.

P.S. I highly doubt anyone is reading this, but I just needed a place to write these things down :) If you are reading this feel free to comment words of encouragement!
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