My Karma

Apr 15, 2008 03:30

Hello everyone that ventures into reading my latest blog entry. I hope that everyone got their taxes done considering that today is the deadline for filing with the IRS. I got mine done awhile back but also finding out that I won't get that nice little rebate check that everyone else will get. Damn technicality. Oh well, the way I look at it is that I wasn't meant to get that money. So, I'll just have to wait to see if the economy gets a jump start or will continue to sink further into a recession.

In other news, I got hit with a little karma! Oh yes, not the good kind of karma either. Considering that I, more than likely, will probably have not too good of a grade for my Priniciples of Advertising class. I'm hoping against hope that I'll be able to salvage my grade. If not, it won't hurt me class wise, just GPA wise. Yeah, need to raise that GPA up some.

Finally, to finish up this blog for the week, I decided to take a Spring class. ENG 113 is the class, aka, "Technical Composition". The reason I decided to take it was because Delta has writing certifications awards. So, since I love writing a lot, why not take a stab at it. Besides, it was either take a Spring class or be bored the entire summer as I'm sure things won't improve, hourwise, at my workplace. So, I'll be busy for a few extra weeks and the class ends in mid-June. So, when my class ends, my summer offically begins!

C-ya later!
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