My Comeback (of sorts)

Mar 10, 2010 05:48

Let's see...

- Rewrote my info on the (ever dying) Myspace page? Yep

- Rewrote my stuff on the (overpopulated and overheating) Facebook? Yep Yep

- Started up a Twitter account? Correct

- Re-did my Twitter account's feeds? Yes sir, I did

- Re-start up my (extremely) long writing sprees? No....No I haven't done that....until now.

Okay, it has been officially over one year since I last wrote something on the Myspace. I figure that since I have some spare time on my hands, that I would re-start up these writing sprees (or blogs, if you want to get technical about it) for anyone that wants to read them and also for myself for 3 reasons.

The first reason is that I am extremely bored. Not bored to where I'm literally hating every minute being on the internet, but I need to be productive. Granted, YouTube gives me the music, TV shows and whatever media consuming goodies I can get. Plus, the added benefit of the Yahoo! IM eases that boredom but even I need a little bit of balance in the process. So, I figure that I should start up my writing to get me thinking instead of mindlessly rotting in front of my computer.

The second reason is that I'm not currently in college right now. Through "a series of interesting and bizzare events", I'm taking an extremely long break from the college system. This is the longest I've been out of school as far back as I can remember. I'm hoping with these notes that I'll be able keep my writing skills in excellent to good shape at the very least. If not for me, but for the ample amounts of money and time that various college professors I've had doesn't go to waste.

Quietly, I had this worry that I would quickly run out of topics to talk about on here. After doing some serious thinking about it, I figured that I would never run out of things to talk about. If I'm doing all this media consuming (music, movies, TV, potentially books) then I should be able to comment, critique and praise it. Yes, these writing sprees are still going to talk about what's happening in my life but why not expand and experiment in the process?

I know that I haven't talked to my friends on here recently. Some have no idea what has happened to me within the last year. It's pretty exciting, let me tell you, I'm living life on edge. Nonetheless, I'll recap everything in the next entry.

C-ya later!
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