Boy have i got pictures!
Cant remember what i did last week. I guess i just did my work 'n shit. Oh yeah and i prepared myself like crazy for the MobScene shows.
Thursday night we had to go film that dance performance for TV Azteca and we all know i love doing that b/c we get our own dressing room, lobby 'n makeup artist 'n all that good shit =] VIP Service. Gotta love it! So yeah that was bomb. I got to chattin' w/ the makeup artist and she gave me some numbers 'n shit for hookups =] wo0p wo0p!
The show aired Friday at 2pm. It was funny. LOL. Only two couples this time, but yeahhh. I unno
Friday evening my sister calls and asks if we'd want to go have dinner at Applebee's and i start laughing b/c i know the reason why, so im like ok w/e. So we all went, to the same applebees, in Montebello. We get there, and we're seated by the same fella as last time. The other waiter that complimented me on my hair last time recognized and said something about my hair and yeah, he's now called "MY FRIEND" lol... Then we're told that our waiter "Andrew" will be with us in a few, and my sister 'n i looked @ each other like "OH SHIT" lol (By the way, my sister DID end up sending that letter, LOL) So yeah, then we went to the mall after, 'n all was swell =]
Saturday morning i had an early dance rehearsal, then we had to go to Cal State Northridge to put on a dance show, exciting. Then we went to El Mercadito to eat, and back to Highland Park for another rehearsal. PHEW! THEN... i had to go back to Rosemead for MobScene practice.
On the way to practice my mom 'n i talked about ALL kinds of shit. I started crying 'n shit 'cuz we were just talking about how frustrated we both are with this family and all that bullshit... blah blah blah. Got to practice crying but only Paul noticed so its all good.
After practice Paul 'n i went to make copies of the Programs that I made for the show =] Then to eat... that was rather exciting, LOL... Vietnamese food? Interesting. Then to Paul's Kitchen which was the venue for the show and yeah. Ran through the show once before it actually started and OMG i was sooooo feeling the stress =\ But the show went by pretty swell =] We had a guest comedian who was running late so he got there and i pretty much prepared him for the show. Then once it ended he started talking to me and was pretty much "picking up" on me (TRYING!) and i was hoping that SOMEONE would fuckin' come and interfere so i could leave and go with my friends or join up w/ ppl. who were doing karaoke 'n shit, but with MY fuckin' luck NO ONE!!!! came to help me!! NO ONE!!! ugh i was so mad!!! I'm STILL mad!!! So much for having friends huh?? Thank god Betty wasn't there. I was also violated by Paul on the dance floor. I thought he was gonna drop me for a second. Drunken Times... LOL
Next day! MobScene practice... Drove. which was rather funny b/c my mom said she didnt want to let me drive because "there are a lot of asians here" lmao... ahhh shit i was busting up. LOL. Practice. Blah. Took off to have lunch at Sizzlers. That was... interesting. Paul 'n i were sooo fuckin' tired b/c we were deprived of sleep the previous night so we took off so we could take a nap which was a mission for me but yeah. Fuck it was HOT on Sunday! >=O! Someone ended up pissing me off, so i ended up cussing someone out, but other than that, Sunday was awesome =] Had a few drinks and the headlining comedian Richard Villa was fuckin' AWESOME! LMAO! (I still laugh when thinking about it) 10 Cent Tacos were also awesome =] Had some deep convos with a few ppl. but i guess thats what happens when you're on a slight buzz right?? =] LOL. Ash, Paul 'n i were having a fuckin' blast playing Word Safari. LMFAO! hahaha ahhh shit that was great! =]!
So yeah thats about it...
Now the pics...
The Following Pics were taken either Before or After the TV Azteca performance =]
Yep... That's what happens when you let someone else take pictures with your camera... LOL
These were taken at the show last week...
Random Picture
After our final rehearsal on Saturday... you can sooo tell... My hair is all shitty. LOL.
...And I'm Out...