OMG! It's OMGcon! :D

Jun 07, 2011 21:40

Sorry I haven't been around much, haven't been feeling well and then we've been helping out at the library and that's been tiring.  XD

Anyways, we went to OMGcon this weekend, and it was the best con ever!  :D

This was our first time at OMGcon, it's usually during our vacation.  But, this year it hit right, and I won a free ticket to it at MTAC, so yay.  :D

We roomed with Autumn and Geneva and two other girls that they knew.  The hotel was pretty nice.  ^_^

When we got to the con, Autumn happened to be at the front desk, so she wrote our names on our badges and said she wanted to introduce us to some of the guests.  She's been working at OMGcon for years, and this year she was helping out with the guests.

So, we headed to the dealer room, where she introduced us to Rikki and Tavisha Simons.  Rikki is the voice of GIR from Invader Zim.  :D  They were really nice and they had a table with some of their art and GIR prints Rikki would sign.  We talked to them for a while.  ^_^

Robert and Emily DeJesus were nearby, we haven't seen them at a con in over a year, so it was good to see them again.  ^_^

We wandered around for a bit, and finally went to the Uncensored Guest Panel.  We had been to similar events at past cons and had been told that it was really great here.  Oh man, their stories were so crazy and hilarious, I laughed so so so hard.  XD

Afterwards, we chatted with some of the guests for a bit and said hi to Eric Stuart (the voice actor for Brock, Kaiba, and others).

The con was done for the night, so we went back to the room.  A bit later, Autumn and some of the others came back to our room with Rikki.  He wanted a snack, and they had brought some cheese, so he grabbed some and left.  XD

Saturday morning started out rough for everyone.  :|  I ended up getting accidentally hit in the face with a door and my glasses got totally messed up.

We went down to leave, and the group was downstairs with Chris Ayres and waiting on his brother Greg, and they invited us to sit and wait with them.  It was really great getting to talk with Chris.  :D

So, once everybody was ready, we split ways.  Walmart was across the road from where we were, so we stopped to see if the people at their glasses department could help.  The lady fixed mine kinda, but then she said she couldn't do any more because it wasn't their glasses.

After we were done with Walmart, we went to the mall and found Lenscrafters and the guy finished fixing up my glasses.  They don't seem quite right still, but the guy indicated that they should be right.  I think what happened was YEARS ago, I messed up and accidentally dropped my glasses on some concrete and really got them out of whack.  I fixed them as best I could and had to wear them wonky for a week-ish.  When we finally were able to get them fixed, the person acted like they weren't messed up at all and only tweaked them a little.  So, I think I got used to my glasses being wrong and now that they're "right" I have to get used to them again.  XD

Anyways, we finally got over to the convention.  :D

We went by the dealer's room and talked with Rikki and Tavi for a while.  ^_^

We went to a GIR panel run by Rikki, and that was pretty awesome.  :D  He's so funny!

After that, there was a panel run by Chris, and he was pretty great too.  Both panels were mostly just questions from the guests, so that was really great.  ^_^

We hung out with Chris at the autograph room for a while, and we all left at the same time.

The fog machine for the rave caused the fire alarms to go off, so we all ended up outside.  We hung out with the guests and Autumn and Geneva for a little bit, and then we all went our seperate ways.

After a bit, we headed to the rave, especially since Greg was DJing and he enjoys it so very much.  <3

On the way there, I was given a piece of cake.  XD  Ended up throwing it away because we didn't know where that cake had been.  XD

There were some difficulties, so while people waited for things to get fixed, they sang the Pokemon and Sailor Moon theme songs, it was sooo adorable.  :D

We headed back to the room and looked up Zim and GIR and random things on YouTube.  XD

Sunday started off a little crazy and it took a while to get everything out of the room and stuff.

We stopped at the convention for a little bit and spent some time with Rikki and Tavi at the dealer's room again.  ^_^

Then we went to IHOP.  :D

After we ate, we went to Greg's panel that he likes doing, but we only got in at the last bit.

It was almost time for Closing Ceremonies, so we hung around until then.  They were pretty cool and next year's theme is Pokemon, yay!  :D

We hung around in the main area and bought a couple of the room signs.  XD

I ran up to say goodbye to Autumn and Geneva, and some of the guests were still around, so I got to say bye to them too.  :D

We went back to the hotel and had some free dinner and hung around.

Then, Autumn and Geneva came back with the guests.  :D  I think my Sister said that Greg saw us first and he waved hi, then all the others did.  XD  We ran to the elevator and said a quick goodbye, and since it was glass, waved at them and they waved back on their way up.  XD

We started to head out, but Geneva and one of the other girls was outside, so we talked to them and they said we could wait with them to say goodbye to the guests.  :D

So we all sat in the lobby and talked until the guests came down.

We mostly talked with Rikki and Tavi, and then Greg came over.  Greg gave us all big hugs, which was really, really great.  He's so nice, and it's like, usually people ask the guests for hugs, and the guest voluntarily gave us hugs, so wow.  :D :D :D  He also liked my new Portal 2 shirt I got at the con (more on that in a bit :D).  :D

We didn't get much at the convention, mostly bought stuff from Rikki and Tavi.  :D  I got a Ditto figure, and the lady that gave it to me said, "Now you can make eggs anywhere you go!"  XD  We also bought some buttons and my Portal 2 shirt.

I love my new Portal 2 shirt so much! It's black and has the Wheatley Laboratories logo on it. XD So awesome! I couldn't resist wearing it on Sunday. I wanted to wear it on Saturday, but I wanted to wear my GIR shirt for Rikki. :D

We then made our way to the casino at Metropolis.  Mom had 2 nights for free and it was only a short ways away from Paducah.  XD

We found the DEATHBRIDGE on the way to the casino though.  It was blue and metal and made horrible noises as we drove across.  It was AWFUL.  Mom was not happy about it and trying to not panic and my Sister was breathing heavily and/or whimpering.  I was starting to freak out, but did my best to stay calm, since they weren't doing so well.  IT WAS BAD.  The DEATHBRIDGE felt like it lasted forever.  X_X

Since she hadn't had a card before, when my Sister signed up for the casino's card, she got two $18 food vouchers.  :D  We used one at lunch on Monday and one on Tuesday.  We gambled pretty late Sunday night and ended up sleeping in until around 5:30 PM.  XD  Last week was pretty rough on us, so we needed to catch up on sleep.  XD

Overall, I ended up losing $27 at the casino.  XD

The trip home was nice, and we didn't drive back over the DEATHBRIDGE.  XD

We've been doing laundry and sort of getting ready for our trip Friday night that goes on for two weeks.  XD

Edit:  One thing I forgot to mention about OMGcon, Mom said that she mentioned that we were talking about going to Disneyland in the next couple of years and Rikki and Tavi told her that when we went to contact them so we could all hang out at the park together.  :D :D :D

pokemon, computer games, vacation, randomness, anime club, video games

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