The System Was Down

Jul 27, 2010 22:22

Things have been a little crazy the past few days.

Saturday was okay, me and Dad went with Mom to see Eclipse.  It was boring and angsty, but it had wolfies and I got popcorn, so all was well.  XD

Sunday, me and Dad played Mario Kart.

Sunday morning, our WiFi Internet hub died.  We only had 1 computer on sloooow dial-up that everyone was fighting for.  XD  Mom was on the computer when it died, so she called Bellsouth and got everything taken care of and a new one ordered.  The new one came today and Mom plugged it in and I set it up.

Monday, Dad dropped me, Mom, and my Sister at Nashville for most of the day.  We were going to eat at the Spaghetti Factory, but it was closed when we got there.  :|  We ended up at the Hard Rock Cafe, which was yummy and we saw some other people that were going to the concert tonight.  Turns out, there was another concert on Monday, Creed was apparently was going to play a show upstairs, we heard some of their music thumping while we ate, and then we went to look at the stairway of Beatles stuff (including 4-5 giggleworthy Spanish posters for the Yellow Submarine movie XD), and we could hear the music coming from behind the doorway.  We lurked around for a while, but didn't see anything.  XD  We then headed to a hotel across the street to the stadium.  On the way there, we ran into one of my Sister's friends and worked it out that she'd take us home (her house is past ours) so we wouldn't have to find a taxi.  We went our separate ways, and we stayed at the hotel's lobby for a while, just relaxing.  I saw a bunch of birds on the skylight.

When we got in line, a storm was starting up, just thunder and lighting and dark clouds, they sped up the entry and we got in before the rain hit.  We stood in a "line" to get souvenirs, it was kinda a mess.  In line, we heard the concert had been delayed about 45 minutes because of a tornado warning, so we had plenty of time, even though it was crazy.

Our seats were on an end of the row, so my Sister sat closest to the stairs.  My Mom and Sister were the ones that really wanted to go to the concert, but I went along anyways because I knew it would be fun and a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.  I don't think Paul McCartney is going to come back to Nashville, at least anytime soon.  It was his first concert there.  I didn't know most of the songs, but it still was a lot of fun.  ^_^  Paul and his band were full of personality and fun.  ^_^  There were a TON of people there, I don't think there was an empty seat.  We stood up a lot, because everybody else did and we couldn't see around them.  We couldn't see Paul too well from where we sat, but they had giant screens with him and the other band members zoomed in on, so that was good.  He changed guitars a lot and played 2 different pianos, and said that some of the guitars were the ones he originally used, so that was really neat.  And during "Live and Let Die", there were fireworks on stage!  Soooooooo neat!  ^_^  He played for about 3 hours straight with pretty much no breaks.  He played a lot of different songs, some Beatles, some Wings, and some of his own.  He also played "Tequila", which was totally hilarious.  XD   The concert was so wonderful, I wish we could do it again, it was so exciting and fantastic.  ^_^

After the concert, we found where my Sister's friend parked, and she drove us home.  We didn't get back until after midnight.  XD

Today was pretty relaxed, we just ate food at home.

Me and Dad also went for a walk.  ^_^

Me and Mom met Maddie at the library, and we finished up getting all the zombie party stuff cut out and set up.

:|  Speaking of the zombie party, we decided to peek at the murder and victim, I thought it would be best if I played the victim, since I knew what needed to be done when it's time for the victim to be killed.  Mom also wanted to assign certain people to the main parts. so we needed to know the murderer.  Well, the last clue and the end of the game is a real doozy.  :|

*spoilers for Zombie Town game*

The victim is a human on the run from the mafia.  Turns out some of the "zombie" characters are really humans taking part in a reality show for the last one standing.  The leader of the town is actually a human who's in charge of the reality show.

The real problem is that the humans are never told they are humans until the LAST card is read, then the "plot twist" comes out.  They think they're zombies until the last card is read.  :|  Knowing they were humans all along and that they're in a reality show (because they signed up for the show) all along would make sense, since they need to know their characters.  Throwing a ridiculous plot twist at the end that changes the very fundamentals of several of the characters (and the people playing them won't know that they're human unless they figure out the obscure clues on their sheets, the part about the reality show is NEVER alluded to on any clue sheet - the only hint is that the leader WAS a movie star) is terrible, terrible storytelling.  It kind of throws the whole game into a farce, who knows what's going on if the characters are going to change at any minute and you don't know what's going to come for your character.

And it gets BETTER!  The endgame is where the leader is trying to escape.  The group must choose a hero!  The REAL zombies must write down the name of a fictional character to do battle with the leader.  Such as Santa Claus, Easter Bunny, etc.  :|  There are 4 scenarios of characters and one for any other character that's come up with.  This is ridiculous on so many levels I don't even know where to begin.  I will probably post the last clue or the portion of the endgame just so you can see that I am not making up this level of insanity.  It's ABSURD.

Mom's glad we peeked at the answers, because the teens would have laughed us out of there.  This game is targeted for teens and adults, and it's concluded by summoning a fictional character.  I DON'T EVEN.  That's not even a real end to any mystery, zombies or elsewhat withstanding.  :|

We're going to either cut off the endgame from the final clue or something, because this is just too insane.  :|

Edit:  Apparently they don't summon the fictional character, naming fictional characters just sorts people into groups based on which fictional character they named and then each group does whatever the solution is.  However, the ones listed aren't ones that people would probably name when told to name a "fictional character".  It's a red herring of a sorts, just so people don't know what they're choosing.  But, each solution isn't all that great anyways and it was rather confusing to read the first time.

*end spoilers*

We've been having 1 or 2 crickets every day, it's crazy.  XD  One just fell off the mantle or something, because it made a noise when it landed on a folder and scared me and Mom.  XD

I kinda miss RPing Renji causally, he was my main on Gaia for a long time and I threw him into AIM RP every now and then.  I probably haven't picked him up in a year or two.  I'd never play him on LJ, there's just too many good ones, and I'm so rusty and I'm pretty sure I play him SO WRONG.  But, I do miss him in his own obnoxious way.  XD

about me, role-play (rp), nintendo games, randomness, video games

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