Alicia's Wedding!

May 10, 2008 23:32

The past two days have been really busy.  XD

We got up early on Friday and had breakfast at Alicia and Eric's.  Eric had a final exam, so us and David (with the hair) all went to campus.  Eric went to his final, and the rest of us hung out around campus, we wandered around and then went to the food court place and hung out with friends.

Then, we headed back to their apartment, Eric's Mom and Dad were there.  When his Dad met me, he asked if I was English.  XD  I told him no, and he was surprised.  He was in the Navy and had been in Scotland for a while, so he should have known what people from England sounded like.  XD  When Eric introduced me to his parents, he said something to the effect that every three sentences that I said involved please, thank you, and I'm sorry.  XD

We all went to Taco Bell.  ^_^  Chase was working there, so we all said hi.  I had a Taquito.  ^_^

After that, we headed to a store to pick up a few things.

Then, we got on the road to the wedding rehersal.  It took a while, and we stopped to pick up the chicken that Alicia's Mom had ordered.

The wedding rehersal went pretty good.  I had problems with my walk, as they told me to stop inbetween steps, and it was awkward.  They told me to walk a different way, and that worked better.

We worked on stuff in the reception area for a while.  Before Eric and David left, I asked them to search for the Imperial March from Star Wars, because Dad said that he would try to be there as Darth Vader, and they were amused by this.  Alicia had said that she wanted Darth Vader at her wedding, but Dad thought it'd be weird and distracting, so he was thinking about doing it at the reception.

We went to Alicia's Mom's house afterwards to drop off stuff, then we went to Wal-Mart.  It was fun wandering around with Alicia.  ^_^

Alicia Mom's house was awesome.  ^_^  There were two Great Danes, Moose and Ruby, and one Pomeranian, Mitzi.  <3  Her Mom had asked me if I was afraid of big dogs, and I told her I didn't know, because I hadn't been around them before.  XD  They were pretty cool.  ^_^

Alicia and I stayed up late and finished doing the programs for the wedding.

Alicia's Mom woke us up, saying she had made waffles.  ^_^

The waffles were really great!

Alicia, her step-father, and I watched TV before we left.  There was some new Spiderman cartoon show on KidsWB, it was pretty awesome.  ^_^

We had to pick up something at one of her relative's house, and then went to the church.

We spent a while getting ready, it took a bit.  Alicia's Mom did my makeup, I had never done it before.  XD  Someone asked how old I was, and when I said 21, the camera lady was shocked, because she thought that I was 14 or something.  XD  But, then she said that you could tell I was older when I spoke.  XD  Alicia's Mom was amused by my eyes, they have a ring of brown and a ring of green.  XD

I was really nervous about messing up, my shoes didn't quite fit, so I was afraid of falling down when I walked.  XD  I felt like I was walking really fast, but afterwards people said I hadn't, and it didn't matter anyways, since I was the Maid of Honor, I set the pace.  XD

The ceremony was nice.  ^_^  Everyone looked really great!  Our friends were amused by David in a suit.  XD

My friends liked my dress and said I was pretty and beautiful.  XD  That's what Chris, Autumn, and Ami said.  ^_^  Chris asked if I was going to dance, and when I said that I probably would, he asked if I would have a dance with him, and I agreed to.  Ben talked about how his shoes were making him hurt, and Amy told him that he should take them off.  Ben pointed at my shoes and said that if I have to stay in heels, he'll stay in his shoes in moral support for me.  ^_^

The reception was fun.  ^_^  For the cake cutting, Alicia and Eric got into a mini cake fight.  XD

There were some fun songs, and we were all dancing and goofing off.

Chris and I danced, and we talked as we did so.

Then, Dad did his Darth Vader act.  ^_^  Everyone loved it, especially Alicia.  ^_^  She fought him with the cake scooper.  XD  Then Mom brought over another lightsaber for her to use.  XD  After that, Eric took the lightsaber and fought him.  XD  Chris was sad that he didn't have his lightsaber to fight Darth Vader.  XD  All my friends said that my Dad was awesome and the greatest Dad ever.  <3  Several people took pictures with him.  ^_^

At one point when I was talking to Autumn, she giggled that they had been gossiping about me.  XD  Apparently her and Lark were talking again about that I was so nice and liked everyone that if the devil showed up to Gamer's Guild, I would think he was an okay guy.  XD

After that, we were all dancing and goofing off again.  XD  Josh looked at me and asked if I wanted him to dip me.  XD  Autumn wanted a picture.  XD  Josh was talking about the right way to dip someone and told me to stand up straight.  XD  He dipped me and Autumn got a picture, but a kid was in the background.  XD  We did another picture, but it turned out blurry.

After a while, Mark walked up to me and asked how I was doing.  I said good and asked about him.  He said he was good, and then put his arm on my shoulders and said he had a favor to ask me.  I nodded and said sure.  He said that there was someone in the anime club who liked me and was probably too shy to ask, and that I should dance with them.  I said sure, and he said it was Dave-sempai.  I agreed again, and Mark said that a good song would come up soon.  I enjoy hanging out with Dave-sempai, so I didn't mind dancing with him.  I don't know if I like him, I haven't really thought about it.  I spend most of my thoughts about liking people in fangirling over Ichigo.  >_>

It took a while for the right song to come up, and I walked over to where Dave-sempai was sitting and told him he looked lonely sitting over there and that he should join everyone out on the floor.  So, he came, and we stood around for a little bit, until Mark flailed his hands at us and told us to dance.  XD  So, we did and chatted about Star Wars, video games, and other fun things.  XD

There was some more fun dances and stuff, then it was the final dance.  After that, we got everything ready and we left.

It took a while to get back home.

At home, we caught up on TV.  We watched Naruto from this week.  There was a character that sounded awfully much like Ichigo, and it was driving me crazy, so I looked it up, and I was right.  XD  My fangirly instinct was correct.  XD

We watched Bleach and Death Note from last week.  Bleach was cool, like always.  Though the part with Byakuya and Hisana was sad...  Poor Byakuya...  We watched some other things, and then tonight's Bleach and Death Note.

Bleach was great, it was so much fun.  XD  Ichigo was adorable.  XD  There was a lot of funny moments and some sweet ones, too.  Mr. Urahara's magic carpet made me laugh.  XD

>_<  We watched English Code Geass...  I had watched it in Japanese with my anime club.  It's so hard to hear Ichigo's voice come out of Lelouch.  >_<  Lelouch is a do not want for me, his behavior is rather evil.  Bah.  *sulks*

about me, randomness, anime club

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