Pieces for 'the house'

Dec 02, 2006 22:15

It all begins at Form and Function, a company based in Sweden. From there though, my search forked into two paths.
  • The first led me to the poshest, comfiest looking bean bags ever: The "Sit on it" and the "Do Nuts".

    They say: The filling consists of flame retardant EPR-'beans'. These little beans absorb the warmth of your body and produce a pleasant and warm sensation. I want one. For my future lounge. Make a note, whoever I invite to my wedding. Buy one (for me) at Sit On It.

  • The second lead led me to Vinyl, which are like big stickers/decals for your walls basically. Very unique.

    For my future kitchen. Maybe I should seriously go to design school or something. Hmm.


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